mk 5 arakyd Droid Called

86 posts Member
edited June 2016
So I need some advice on where I can use this that would affect my team the most... I am debating between fives, teebo NS initiate or wait

fives and NS are on my arena team, teebo is big for my raid strategy.... I am working on getting QG and tusken also for raiding so I have a a lot of tm reduction

My stage 1 and 4 raid I plan on doing teebo, fives, qg, Tusken, and ewok elder

QG and tusken are currently being lvled and getting more stars so they are not ready.

What would be the best use for the droid caller at this point in your opinions? My guild currently does lvl 6 soon to be 7 raids which I am not anywhere near the top since I am still newish and arena I usually sit top 20



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