Who's your.... Vanity character?



    355 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Vader, all the way. No other characters are anywhere near the Vader grind.


    Plus, he makes toast!
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    Aayla Secura!
    Fully maxed and omegad!
    Why, because she's my favorite SW character!
    Also she's very good all around, lot of health+protection, 9k+ crit special, stun, counters, self-heal, love her!

    Dam sexy
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    ZarLatho wrote: »
    Darth Maul. He popped out of one of the two Chromiums I've bought, and even at 4* he was great fun against Jedi, so when his shards went on sale I brought him to 6*, and now only a furnace away from G10. Now he's *really* fun against Jedi and a little more useable in normal situations. I'll wait until he goes free to add his final star.

    Rey was a vanity toon when I started farming her the hard way as soon as her first node opened for me, just because I love her character. Hard to think of her that way anymore.

    Once I had my 4 star gear 8 darth maul do 10k to a Jedi
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    Rey, for sure! She's top of the list for why I haven't missed a day since I started playing in mid Jan. It's a slow grind with no refreshes, but thank goodness now I can get her in the guild shop. It seriously has cut off at least 2 months time until I get her to 7*.

    And Chewbacca. Because he was the first and I just couldn't leave him behind.

    I know it's not quite the same thing, but can i say all of the characters are my vanity characters to some extent? I am slowly unlocking every single character I possibly can just so I can say I have collected them. Its painful sinking resources into collecting all these **** characters I'll never use and having my main team suffer for it, especially since I'm f2p. But I swear, one day I will eventually collect them all!!

    I also refuse to look up the stats of the characters because I tend to prioritize the beautiful women, and I refuse to be disheartened by the fact that they may not be as powerful as the flash of leg or tempting cleavage promises to be. :/
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    EE, not because I spent money on him but because he's a unique character and ice always wanted him. I have him maxed now.
  • SS0DEN
    109 posts Member
    Anakin and Yoda.
    2761 posts Member
    Just 1 achievement (tomorrow) and 3 days of shard shop before he gets to 6*.

    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Completely Maxed out Yoda. Abandoned the Meta being 100% F2P to accomplish this. I was satisfied with Yoda until they nerfed him and made tenacity up dispelable. Now i'm just waiting to have eventually enough raid gear to swap him out of the arena team.
    ☮ Consular ☮
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    Ventress. She is sooooooo useful in some circumstances, but useless in others. I got her to 7* first out of arena shipments because I loved trying to get kill shots with endless wrath. With the protection update that kinda went out the window, but I still use her as often as I can. AoE dispel is great against Leia and against double tank teams. Just don't leave her in your team or you will get target and lose like 50 ranks! Won't someone please fix her AI?
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    Rex :)
  • 9r33d0
    492 posts Member
    Sharkybyte wrote: »
    I think for a lot of players.... including me.

    It would be Yoda. Because come on. Lets be honest here. Out of the 5 Jedis you 7* and leveled up to 70 ish plus and geared up to 8 or 9... only QGJ, Ahsoka and OB are useful.

    So thats technically 30m credits to 7* and level all 5 jedi characters.... just to get a char you probably are not using at all due to existing meta.

    Okay fine.... raid. But lets face it. Most of us just park our Yodas in the barracks.

    Ya lol
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