Help me with an Arena Team

99 posts Member
edited June 2016
Hey all,

So here's a screen shot of my top characters. I have quite a few others but would all need upgraded. What kind of team would be best with what I have? Can you also explain the logic so I understand why I would be using them?




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    I'd run sidious, leia, phasma, Rey, and either b2, sun fac,or luminara.
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    I'd run

    Phasma (L)
    Sun Fac
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    kanersen wrote: »
    I'd run

    Phasma (L)
    Sun Fac

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    Sun Fac is great, but you have no viable upgrade strategy for him other than spending lots and lots of money. So if you spend resources on gearing and training him, you're going to miss those resources when you outgrow him and need other characters.

    I would also skip out on Sid for the same reason: he won't be very useful for you much longer. I would instead focus on characters you can farm and who will be viable in the long run:
    - Phasma lead
    - QGJ (get him to seven stars before you get any more daka shards)
    - Leia (ignore Sid and only farm Leia from Arena; go for ST Han or Ackbar when Leia has 7 stars)
    - Rey
    - Lumi (but farm the heck out of Geonosian Soldier and swap him in when he's stronger)
  • cameronaitken56
    108 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Depends on how deep your pockets are. If they're bottomless I'd suggest

    Dooku/Phasma (L)

    Sun Fac




    B2 could also be viable if you're worried about dodge teams, although, at this point they're not intimidating in the slightest with all their counters. Also, since Daka and QGJ are farmed in the same place I'd recommend only using one of them for now and farming the other later. If you choose QGJ over Daka you could use Lumi as a replacement until you are able to get Daka.

    Dooku and Phasma have two of the best leader abilities in the game. Phasma is easier to farm so take that into consideration when deciding on a team. She is also much bulkier and has good utility on and against all team. However, Dooku is speedy, has counter that can really sting, and can single handedly make almost any single Jedi and non-factor for the entire match in most cases. Sun Fac is your best taunter. Massive HP and protection coupled with counter chance and can dispel and debuff for HP recovery makes for a very frustrating opponent. If you aren't looking to spend, your best bet is chewy if you want a taunt, but I'd likely opt for extra healing w/ Luminara. If you want to train up another tank the best ones are RG and STH. I think STH would work very well with the three attackers taking up the last 2 spots and if you run STH it wouldn't be a bad idea to drop Daka and run Leia, Rey and QGJ. Those 3 behind a STH taunt would simply be too much offense for most teams to handle and bounce back from. Daka is in there for healing and stunning, but the revives don't hurt either. She is also slightly easier to farm than QGJ due to her shards being available in one hard mode battle. Leia and Rey are the two best attackers in the game rn. They both can quickly tear holes in teams however, Rey will do more damage turn 1 and Leia will last longer due to stealth, she is also faster than Rey due to her chance at TM gain on every attack and she can buff your team unlike Rey. She's also probably easier to farm now that she's in arena shipments and none of your other viable characters are there so I'd farm her even if you aren't planning on using her. If you decide you want STH farm him first, then Leia. The other two attackers will work just fine until you can get Leia trained up as well. She can also fill QGJ's spot until you're done farming Daka if you choose to farm them in that order. Lastly, QGJ. His debuff is very valuable, especially if you don't the cash to drop on Sun Fac (who debuffs with his basic). QGJ's assist is also incredibly powerfull and both abilities have very short cooldowns. All this coupled with his high speed (though not as high as Rey and Leia) and his additional TM gain on his basic make for a huge threat.

    Hope this helps

    Edit: It's also worth mentioning that Daka and Dooku can work very well together because Daka heals, meaning more counter attacks for Dooku, and they both stun, meaning potentially two enemies can be kept in check while a third is being dealt with by your attackers. Her healing is also great for Sun Fac for obvious reasons as well as the same counter attack bonus as Dooku
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    Wow guys thanks for all the info. Lots to read and consider!!
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    Ok guys so here's where I'm at. Currently working on getting QGJ Some better gear, and Phasma that 5 star which should be later today. I'm somewhat hesitant to scrap Sidious because his heal immunity debuff has saved me so many times. I'll take your advice and swap in Phasma over Sidious once she's a little stronger. My RG seems to be saving me during AI defenses, when I didn't run a tank I would lose ranks quickly since the AI doesn't know how to play defense properly. I also have Geo Soldier leveled up a bit after your advice. How's this looking?


  • Scruffy_Looking
    244 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Phasma's probably already a better leader than Sid, especially if you've upgraded her leader. Get RG to gear 8 ASAP (didn't know you had 5 star RG—he should be in every squad you run, and he gets a lot better with protection). QGJ is easy to gear to 7, a little harder to 8 because of the silly blowdriers (which become very easy to get a little later i the game). GS is also easy to get to gear 8.

    With your 5 star RG, consider AA after Leia (you don't really need ST Han so much).

    With your current squad I imagine you can probably contend for top 5 in your Arena.
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    Well you can easily make the meta team right now. On my server the top three guys have old Ben (lead), qui gon, Royal guard, Rey, and stormtrooper Han. All easily farmable characters
    May the Force be with You
    - Tulak
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    Here's my current team and it's working out fairly well thanks to everyone's help.


    My biggest handicap is I don't have a lot of my characters abilities upgraded. Most are level 4-5 abilities with a few 6.

    Here's the progress I've made on the other suggestions on which characters to focus on. Still working on bringing up STHan and Dooku.


    Any observations or recommendations based on my progress?

    Thanks again everyone!
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Start working on GS. Lumi is still a crutch character like Sid. Good to start with in PvP, but drops off later.
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    Toukai wrote: »
    Start working on GS. Lumi is still a crutch character like Sid. Good to start with in PvP, but drops off later.

    Ok, so you're saying replace Lumi with GS eventually?

    I tried dropping Lumi and RG for GS and QGJ but didn't seem to hold my rank as well. Lumi's heals has saved me so many times, it's hard to see playing without her.

  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I would go with Phasma lead, Sun Fac, B2, Leia, Rey. You got mass dispeler, you got taunting tank, you got one of the best enablers Phasma and arguably the best attackers, Leia and Rey. But you need to get them geared up/starred up.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    What I mean is that most of the top teams don't use a healer. Lumi is great at early levels, but when you want to breach top tier you generally drop them for more dps. People die so quickly with 3 dps teams that it's not worth bringing a healer. 80% of the time they wont even get a chance to get a heal off.

    Dooku(old ben), RG, QGJ, Rey, GS = solid team
    AA, Leia, Rey, RG, QGJ - another solid team. You specifically dont run ST Han because you want AA rebel assist calls to always call Leia. You can add Han, but then i'd recommend swapping Rey for HRScout for the huge TM gains rebels can get.

    Old Ben, ST Han, Rey, GS, Daka - good team, a little RNG heavy, but still very solid.

    The problem you're going to run into is that people at the top of the ladder will be able to beat you no matter what team you run. If you're on a whale or highly active server, you're going to drop extensively regardless of the team comp you use. You dont have to have the best defense team, you just have to have a scarier team than your neighbor.
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    You can join our arena chat group if you like for live advice, its not just ur team, it depends who is on your shard as well. I currently RANK 1st daily. And today, I did one battle to position back to 1st place, and just another lockout battle to avoid getting sniped.

    Feel free to add me on line, id: joshmayer
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