108th Legion looking for members [40/50]

45 posts Member
We are a chill guild that is currently completing tier 5 and 6 raids, but we're very close to moving on to tier 6 only and not too far off from tier 7. Our problem is that we only have about half of our guild doing majority of the damage, but most of them are very fun people to talk to, most of us are pretty nerdy when it comes to Star Wars discussions.

So we are looking for some more members at level 80 with a bunch of 7* characters to help push us up to that next level, but who also want a good group of people to chat with. We aren't super hardcore or anything, and don't require p2p, but we do require people to join our Line chat for better communication. If this sort of guild sounds like your thing, message me here or on Line, my ID is Collin108, and we'll get you into our guild from there.


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