First order are usless

Hey devs why did you ruin the first order characters? youve nerfed them so much i dont know what event to use them in. They suck in the arena they are terrible in GW, they are pretty much rancor and pig fodder as well. So i ask again why did you ruin 5 characters? And why cant you fix things instead of ruining them? Who are you going after next the Rey or Dooku? ya probably wont cause there actually is a" real "problem there


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    I like Phasma
  • Kebab
    179 posts Member
    A phasma lead team with FOTP and some other bonus attackers or assist bringers can do huge damage on the rancor though
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    Hey devs why did you ruin the first order characters? youve nerfed them so much i dont know what event to use them in. They suck in the arena they are terrible in GW, they are pretty much rancor and pig fodder as well. So i ask again why did you ruin 5 characters? And why cant you fix things instead of ruining them? Who are you going after next the Rey or Dooku? ya probably wont cause there actually is a" real "problem there

    There is absolutely no problem with Dooku or especially Rey. Stop complaining about other toons you werent smart enough to farm. And get them. Then after you put in 6 to 9 months farming Rey, when you finally have her as a 7*, you will want to choke out anyone calling for the demise of Rey.

    And phasma is top notch. The other FO toons are fine with a phasma lead.
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    @Speaker4thedead First order are terrible. Phasma is their only viable toon at endgame. If you put a first order team in my server on the top 20, they'd get targeted and destroyed instantly. Let's not pretend they're good or useful. They need a buff. Also I have a 7 starred gear 9 Rey, I do not have such strong feels towards her as you. I don't want to choke out anyone calling for her demise. I don't give a turtle **** really..
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    I have phasma used to be awesome with 4 other First order
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    @Speaker4thedead First order are terrible. Phasma is their only viable toon at endgame. If you put a first order team in my server on the top 20, they'd get targeted and destroyed instantly. Let's not pretend they're good or useful. They need a buff. Also I have a 7 starred gear 9 Rey, I do not have such strong feels towards her as you. I don't want to choke out anyone calling for her demise. I don't give a turtle **** really..

    Yet you reply...

    I am on a day 1 hard release server. It is not uncommon to see Phasma AND FOTP in the top 20. Is FOTP as boss as he once was? No. Not even close, but you mix those 2 together, and he can still put up some damage.

    I spent a long time and LOTS of coin to get my Rey to where she is. Since the hard release, there have been only a handful of truly difficult toons to get to 7*(Rey, RG, Anakin, FOTP, Ima-Gun-Di, Lobot, maybe more but those are all I can think of.) And none of these toons should ever be nerfed simply for how difficult they are to obtain.

    I will agree Kylo Ren is woefully underpowered. He is nothing more than a pest that just taps along. And again, FOTP isn't the God he once was, but calling Phasma garbage is... Just criminally wrong, and naive at best.
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    @Speaker4thedead First order are terrible. Phasma is their only viable toon at endgame. If you put a first order team in my server on the top 20, they'd get targeted and destroyed instantly. Let's not pretend they're good or useful. They need a buff. Also I have a 7 starred gear 9 Rey, I do not have such strong feels towards her as you. I don't want to choke out anyone calling for her demise. I don't give a turtle **** really..

    Agree with @EscapeArtist51 but i have a maxed Rey and i still hope she gets destroyed. But I'm a whale might be salty if i was f2p. Only because i want other heroes to shine and i can't see them giving her damage to say Kit or FOO lol.

    Been pushing for buffs on other heroes but let's be honest she will stay top with her speed,foresight , crits and damage and her abilities...

    only salty on her because i expected the speed verse damage patch /protection to do its job on her as it did to some of my other heroes......

    See my signature ..
  • Options
    They need TR-8R to make FO teams great again.

    Make it happen John.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    There is absolutely no problem with Dooku or especially Rey. Stop complaining about other toons you werent smart enough to farm. And get them. Then after you put in 6 to 9 months farming Rey, when you finally have her as a 7*, you will want to choke out anyone calling for the demise of Rey.

    And phasma is top notch. The other FO toons are fine with a phasma lead. [/quote]

    Lol smart enough all you did was copy the person ahead of you and the other 90% on this game showing no originality . And of course another advocate to stop the nerfing of there toons but didnt come to the aid of others. Also if you noticed i said why did they nerf the first order and gave mention to the other 2 toons that everyone complains about that the devs do nothing about. And btw my droids with JE will beat the crap outta Rey and Dooku all day and not get tired...Hail Knights of Ren..Hail Hydra!
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    @Speaker4thedead What do you mean yet I reply lol? Why not, it's a thread. Who in here said Phasma was garbage..? I didn't, nether did OP. All of the first order toons are terrible outside of Phasma, that is the current problem that we're having. Even if you throw them in the team with phasma's lead their still gonna get destroyed. FOTP is nowhere near my top 20. He's too squishy, too slow, and he'll die before his turn begins in every match he's played in. They all need a buff. And I know you have a hard on for Rey but some of us would like to see other toons being used too.
  • Igor08
    221 posts Member
    There is absolutely no problem with Dooku or especially Rey. Stop complaining about other toons you werent smart enough to farm. And get them. Then after you put in 6 to 9 months farming Rey, when you finally have her as a 7*, you will want to choke out anyone calling for the demise of Rey.

    And phasma is top notch. The other FO toons are fine with a phasma lead.

    Man these Rey worshipers are getting more and more hardcore. The OP merely mentioned her and triggered a pro-Rey rant. I feel like three-quarters of the player base may just explode if EA ever forces them to get off Rey's tit by nerfing her.
  • mel
    127 posts Member
    That's crazy. FOST is an absolute beast paired with Phasma. And a gear 10 FOTP is very effective with Phasma lead.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Basically all synergy teams are quite bad compared to non synergy teams. Part of it is that general effect leader abilities are outright stronger than synergy leader abilities so there is no incentive to make a synergy team. The other part is many synergy characters don't really have any synergy with their faction, or are just outright too weak to field.

  • Options
    They need TR-8R to make FO teams great again.

    Make it happen John.
    Yes! Make the First Order Great Again! Let's change Phasma's helmet to orange while we're at it.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Gear X Phasma is beastly.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • 9r33d0
    492 posts Member
    So is gear 11 fotp
  • Options
    They need TR-8R to make FO teams great again.

    Make it happen John.
    Yes! Make the First Order Great Again! Let's change Phasma's helmet to orange while we're at it.

    And ruin the chrome?

    No style points for you sir!

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • godgiven45
    1093 posts Member
    @Speaker4thedead First order are terrible. Phasma is their only viable toon at endgame. If you put a first order team in my server on the top 20, they'd get targeted and destroyed instantly. Let's not pretend they're good or useful. They need a buff. Also I have a 7 starred gear 9 Rey, I do not have such strong feels towards her as you. I don't want to choke out anyone calling for her demise. I don't give a turtle **** really..

    Yet you reply...

    I am on a day 1 hard release server. It is not uncommon to see Phasma AND FOTP in the top 20. Is FOTP as boss as he once was? No. Not even close, but you mix those 2 together, and he can still put up some damage.

    I spent a long time and LOTS of coin to get my Rey to where she is. Since the hard release, there have been only a handful of truly difficult toons to get to 7*(Rey, RG, Anakin, FOTP, Ima-Gun-Di, Lobot, maybe more but those are all I can think of.) And none of these toons should ever be nerfed simply for how difficult they are to obtain.

    I will agree Kylo Ren is woefully underpowered. He is nothing more than a pest that just taps along. And again, FOTP isn't the God he once was, but calling Phasma garbage is... Just criminally wrong, and naive at best.

    Lol day 1 huh? I am free 2 play and have spent nothing on my 7* rey. She is expendable and it wouldn't hurt me at all if she was nerfed. Probably because I have other toons that are usable. Maybe you should have been smarter while waving cash around and you wouldn't be so dependant on rey.
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    Full FO team is great against the dodge meta :)
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    Kylo is great at dwindling protection from across the board. About my main use for him.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    C00L_Story wrote: »
    Full FO team is great against the dodge meta :)

    I am only going to agree they arn't useless. I fought a pure FO team before and it came close to wrecking me. One or two more procs and I'd have been toast.
    Phasma, FOO, FOTP, Kylo, FOST
    The number of attacks was pretty insane. Kylo, Phasma, FOST all have a lot of HP so they get to proc each other a LOT in the event their subordinates die off.

    I dont have a full FO team myself, not sure if RG would have made that team better or not. 40% chance to call each other is pretty nice, RG would only slow the boat down.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    Hey devs why did you ruin the first order characters? youve nerfed them so much i dont know what event to use them in. They suck in the arena they are terrible in GW, they are pretty much rancor and pig fodder as well. So i ask again why did you ruin 5 characters? And why cant you fix things instead of ruining them? Who are you going after next the Rey or Dooku? ya probably wont cause there actually is a" real "problem there

    We're going to play a little game called have you met Phasma? Because the only way you can say all she is is pig/rancor fodder is if you haven't met Phasma. I also use my FO toons in GW all the time. They're my spot team who can go in on the nodes I have trouble with and can't clear because my a team's protection is gone. This was before the rework of GW and it became insanely easy. Phasma, Kylo, TP, and ST all coupled with STH have a lot of TM manipulation. I'd use them more than one or two nodes but FOTP and FOST are at 4* and there is a distinct lack of healing going on in that team.

    In short, they are not useless. Individually are they as great as they once were? No. Can at least two of them use a buff? Yes. But they have uses if you can think outside the box.

    By the way, they repeatedly went up against the dreaded Dooku, Rey, RG combo and came out on top. Rey and Dooku aren't as in need of a nerf as you think.
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    Toukai wrote: »
    C00L_Story wrote: »
    Full FO team is great against the dodge meta :)

    I am only going to agree they arn't useless. I fought a pure FO team before and it came close to wrecking me. One or two more procs and I'd have been toast.
    Phasma, FOO, FOTP, Kylo, FOST
    The number of attacks was pretty insane. Kylo, Phasma, FOST all have a lot of HP so they get to proc each other a LOT in the event their subordinates die off.

    I dont have a full FO team myself, not sure if RG would have made that team better or not. 40% chance to call each other is pretty nice, RG would only slow the boat down.

    @Toukai I recently tried replacing my 6* FOST with 6* RG. Hands down, way better. Maybe better than running St Han in place of FOST.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Just want to point out there's a difference between "not smart enough to farm" and broken. Arena does a great job highlighting which characters are broken as you'll see every single team for miles have the same characters.
  • Options
    They need TR-8R to make FO teams great again.

    Make it happen John.

    You read my MIND! From wherever you are!


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    mel wrote: »
    That's crazy. FOST is an absolute beast paired with Phasma. And a gear 10 FOTP is very effective with Phasma lead.

    9r33d0 wrote: »
    So is gear 11 fotp

    I personally have found that gear 17 FOTP is very well-balanced and is totally viable, as long as the rest of the team is comprised of Phasma, GG, RG, Rancor, Dooku, and 8* Jawa.

    Sorry, what I meant to say is, "Are these toons actually 'beasts', or just somewhat effective if maxed and put in the perfect team, much like any other toon in the game?"
  • Monxie
    559 posts Member
    FOO deserves a buff imo. Has a good base to be a good character in the future.
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    Phasma and kylo are pretty good. Fotp still has a lot of potential at max gear, but foo and fost could use a buff.
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    I occasionally run a full FO team and am pretty happy with it. FOST could use something extra though, perhaps a taunt, and FOO needs some sort of buff too. The other three are great though.
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