Triple K recruiting! 75+ activeplayers, tier 5 raid on

Hey all, RedXIII here. Leader of the Triple K guild! I did not pick the name and wish i could change it. The guild was handed down to me by a horrible leader. Weve went from tier 3 raids to now tier 5 raids. Our top raiders average 2-3 million dmg. We are all mostly f2p players with a love for this game. A few whales would help but not necessary. We need good players who will stick with us.
We have a great core of active players! Always an officer reminding us of the next days guild activity to be more productive(thank you Dark Helmet, foghornleghorn, and 4justagame!)We share tactics and love discussing teams that work well. We know this game,But we need about 20 more like us, to really get going. You could take part in progressing this guild with great potential.
We are raiding tier 5 twice a week. We need dedicated members whom are active on guild activities, and chat room. Also 75+ players, with preferably arena rank of 500 or better. Should have atleast 2 7* well geared toons and some 6* as well! Need squads geared/built for raiding tier 5 effectively! if you are dedicated and seeking an active, fun guild focused on working together to raid as much as possible, and share a laugh or strategy in the mean time. then we are the guild for you.
Show your worth and dedication to the guild and you will be promoted! If youd like to join post here with ally code and a summary of your best squads, and i will invite you if u meet requirements.
My player id is 458-298-392 if u wanna to send me an ally invite instead.


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