Is this a Good Arena Squad?

I am wonder if my arena squad is a good squad,
Phasma 6* gear 7 (L) Leia 5* Gear 8, Teebo 6* Gear 8, Rey 4* Gear 8, Barriss 5* Gear 8.
Please comment if you do or do not think this is a good squad.


  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    There is no need for a healer in arena. Especially without a tank.
  • Optimus11
    254 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Teebo and bariss function well as leader other wise less efficient
    Replace bariss with lumi which is an easy farm and replace teebo with gs which is an easy farm with high dps
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    But he's clearly on a really new server that is still very immature. At that point, healers can be useful.

    In the long run, Wicket, your team will need radical overhaul. But it may work for you at your current point of development.

    I agree with the poster above, though, that you want to concentrate at this time at farming GS and Lumi, who will remain useful toons throughout the game.
  • Salgado9
    529 posts Member
    Look kiddo, good leaders for end game as of rn Dooku,or Old Ben. Evasion is annoying to face. Phasma is on the rise, shes quite good once you max and omega her abilities. Best attackers, Rey, QGJ, Genosian Soldier, Leia. In no order, but Rey is quite possibly the best. But QGJ has great utility. Best tanks, Royal Guard and ST-Han, from what I see RG is a bit better. Those are great chars you can use , and if you do use Phasma lead, you can also use First Order tie Pilot, who has great damage. This is all of courae for end game , since your server is rather new, you have a lot more freedom to change things. But those chars that I listed are great. And if you spend those benjis you can get yourself a clone team lol. You can also check to see stats of chars once they're maxed, they also have a page that shows which chars are being used. Definitely check that. Good luck mate!
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    Either switch Teebo to lead or loose him from arena. Keep working home him for raids, though. Lose Barriss, too, but she's good for GW. Keep up with Rey and Leia probably. Dooku is lame. Ben is better. Evasion and TM trumps OU that can be dispelled if you don't have a tank. Definitely keep Phasma. Someone suggested Lumi. She's good all around but when your server starts to mature you will not need her in arena. She helps for Yoda and is good in GW.

    Overall, I'd target your current team all the time if I could. But if you move things around and keep working on it your team could be pretty tough.

    Also, like Salgado9 said, if you're p2p then go for clones. I'm not a fan of facing Rex, SF, RG, B2, 5s teams.
  • Options
    This thread could just be named "Lessons on the meta"
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    The other thing is that even on a mature server, it helps to constantly evolve your team. Otherwise people learn how to beat it and it can't defend any more. It also helps keep th game interesting.

    Develop your own strategies. Work out what toons make other toons more than the sum of their parts. Try something nobody else is trying. Very, very few toons are unviable. Some just need teams built around their strengths to shine. I'm using a team built around Luke at the moment and it takes first every day without breaking sweat. But th key phrase is "built around".

    Right now this seems pie in th sky because you don't even have one maxed team let alone 15 maxed toons to choos from. But in a few months, you will be picking off your tenth selection. So don't worry too much right now about who to max, because chances are they'll all come good in the end.
  • Options
    Id attack it without a second thought.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Since everyone has already written about why your team is terrible, here are some META teams for PvP to compare too. Some f2p, some p2w, not ranked in any particular order:

    Dooku, RG, GS, QGJ, Rey
    Dooku, Daka, RG, Rey, QGJ
    Old Ben + above line-up. Old Ben is Dooku but you gain TM on dodges instead of Offence Up.
    Old Ben, 5s, Vader, Leia, Daka
    Rex, 5s, Echo, Phasma, RG (or Leia or Daka)
    Rex, Sun Fac, 5s, Daka, Phasma
    Phasma, FOTP, Kylo, RG, Rey
    Phasma, FOTP, Daka, RG, Rey
    Teebo, 5s, Daka, Rey, QGJ
    All Ewoks + RG
    Ackbar, Leia, ST Han, HRScout, RG

    There are a few more, but mostly it's a mix. This is strictly PvP though.

    PvP meta champs are usually a combination of:
    Dooku, Old Ben, Rey, Rex, 5s, Phasma, Rey, QGJ, GS, ST Han, RG, Leia

    The others not on that list usually have a place in a specific team, but the META is pretty unshifted from lvl 70 :(
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    Meta is a normal word, not an acronym. It is Greek for "with" and is used as s prefix; in this context, it is short for "metagame".
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Kabbes wrote: »
    Meta is a normal word, not an acronym. It is Greek for "with" and is used as s prefix; in this context, it is short for "metagame".

    M.E.T.A. = Most Efficient Tactic Available
    or Effective

    Honestly, it is most prominently used in it's acronym form. I have never, in my 20+ history of gaming, not heard it being referred to as anything else. That includes card games, video games, board games, etc.
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    First I've heard of people making that error is on this message board. Go look in a dictionary.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    First I've heard of people making that error is on this message board. Go look in a dictionary.

    It's the people's use of a term that defines it. Hence: Urban Dictionary.
    It may have roots prior to this, but to say it is ALWAYS that and never changes would be a horrible lie since even webster updates their definitions yearly.
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    No, the word meta is a very, very old word with a very, very old meaning and a clearly documented use as a prefix, which led to it being use as a prefix in the word "metagame". I don't know where you picked up this odd idea that it was formed as an acronym, but this is simply wrong as a matter of fact. The more you insist on it in the face of such clear etymology, the more foolish you make yourself look.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    No, the word meta is a very, very old word with a very, very old meaning and a clearly documented use as a prefix, which led to it being use as a prefix in the word "metagame". I don't know where you picked up this odd idea that it was formed as an acronym, but this is simply wrong as a matter of fact. The more you insist on it in the face of such clear etymology, the more foolish you make yourself look.

    Well, wikipedia agrees with you, so I guess I should too relating to it's origin.

    I will still argue it can still be used as an acronym because not only does it fit, but everyone I know of uses it in those terms. :)
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    You can argue what you like. Doesn't make you correct!
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    You can argue what you like. Doesn't make you correct!

    The internet says it does! My feelings mean more than logic can ever prove!
  • christopher152003
    381 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Kabbes wrote: »
    Meta is a normal word, not an acronym. It is Greek for "with" and is used as s prefix; in this context, it is short for "metagame".
    Kabbes wrote: »
    No, the word meta is a very, very old word with a very, very old meaning and a clearly documented use as a prefix, which led to it being use as a prefix in the word "metagame". I don't know where you picked up this odd idea that it was formed as an acronym, but this is simply wrong as a matter of fact. The more you insist on it in the face of such clear etymology, the more foolish you make yourself look.

    Um, it may have had it's origins as a prefix, but in here META = Most Effective TEAM available, of which this game has none, so take your ignorance and your pathetic excuses as to why you called meta something else.

    BTW, your wrong on any account anyways.

    noun: meta; plural noun: metas
    short for meta key.
    adjective: meta
    (of a creative work) referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential.

    1980s: from meta- in the sense ‘beyond.’

    since we are all speaking english I left out other non relevant ****.


    The term metagame is a mathematic descriptor for set interaction governing subset interaction. The term passed from military use into political parlance[citation needed] to describe events outside conventional bounds that, in fact, play an important role in a game's outcome. For example, a military operation might be a game with its political ramifications being the metagame. Similarly, the passage of a law might be a game, with the political environment into which that law fits being the metagame.

    Similarly, a game might be the passing of a law lacking majority support. The group opposing the law, benefiting in the metagame from the passage of said law, encourage their own members to vote in favor of the legislation.

    Metagaming might also refer to a game which functions to create or modify the rules of a sub-game with the purpose of maximizing the subgame's ruleset. Thus, we might play a metagame of optimizing the rules of "chess-like" games to maximize the satisfaction of play, and perhaps arrive at the rules of standard chess as an optimum. This is related to mechanism design theory in which the metagame would be to create or make changes in the management rules or policy of an organization to maximize its effectiveness or profitability. Constitutional design can be seen as a metagame of assembling the provisions of a written constitution to optimize a balance of values such as justice, liberty, and security, with the constitution being the rules of the game of government that would result.[1][2]

    So with all that being said explain to us how metagame is used for meta teams in this game.

    I don't know where you picked up this odd idea that it's only a prefix, but this is simply wrong as a matter of fact. The more you insist on it in the face of such clear etymology, the more foolish you make yourself look.

    Sorry one last thing, did you even think about what the word would mean as a prefix if meta = with (you missed the other meanings btw, such as cross and after,neither of which makes sense.)

    than metagame = with game/cross game or after game. What kind of nonsensical crap is that?? And how does knowing that meanng make your definition of meta make sense. I certainly do not see it.
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    This is not a subject for debate. The origins of meta as a prefix are what they are, regardless of your ignorance on the matter. I'm not here to be your teacher if you prefer to wallow in that ignorance.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Since everyone has already written about why your team is terrible, here are some META teams for PvP to compare too. Some f2p, some p2w, not ranked in any particular order:

    Dooku, RG, GS, QGJ, Rey
    Dooku, Daka, RG, Rey, QGJ
    Old Ben + above line-up. Old Ben is Dooku but you gain TM on dodges instead of Offence Up.
    Old Ben, 5s, Vader, Leia, Daka
    Rex, 5s, Echo, Phasma, RG (or Leia or Daka)
    Rex, Sun Fac, 5s, Daka, Phasma
    Phasma, FOTP, Kylo, RG, Rey
    Phasma, FOTP, Daka, RG, Rey
    Teebo, 5s, Daka, Rey, QGJ
    All Ewoks + RG
    Ackbar, Leia, ST Han, HRScout, RG

    There are a few more, but mostly it's a mix. This is strictly PvP though.

    PvP meta champs are usually a combination of:
    Dooku, Old Ben, Rey, Rex, 5s, Phasma, Rey, QGJ, GS, ST Han, RG, Leia

    The others not on that list usually have a place in a specific team, but the META is pretty unshifted from lvl 70 :(


    Phasma, FOTP, Kylo Leia, RG, Rey
    Strongest dude in my shard 39k power, Gear 10 all except FOTP which is G11
  • Options
    Kabbes wrote: »
    This is not a subject for debate. The origins of meta as a prefix are what they are, regardless of your ignorance on the matter. I'm not here to be your teacher if you prefer to wallow in that ignorance.

    We're not saying those aren't the origins, it's just the acronym is what is used on this board.
  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    This is not a subject for debate. The origins of meta as a prefix are what they are, regardless of your ignorance on the matter. I'm not here to be your teacher if you prefer to wallow in that ignorance.

    Nice troll. Words don't keep the exact same meaning nor do they keep only one meaning for all eternity. By your logic "Hip Hop" the music genre shouldnt be named that way. Or by your logic I shouldnt be using alpha or sigma in mathematics to signify specific variables.
  • Phlebotomy_Jones
    439 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Meta, as in meta theatrical, when a character breaks the fourth wall (looking at you Ferris) implies an outside view of a theatrical or narrative space.

    In gaming it started with the same meaning, an objective overview back into the unplanned systems and patterns resulting from game play.

    Like saying railroads are an underutilized part of the meta in Monopoloy.

    Statistics may or may not be referenced analyzing a game's meta, meaning it can be more of a subjective opinion as to what the meta is or means.

    As it applies to video games, it has since been ret-conned into an acronym that serves the same intent - the unplanned patterns of gameplay across numerous plays.

    You folks are arguing over the same side of the same coin here.

    Connotation vs denotation.
  • SS0DEN
    109 posts Member
    Build your own squad, have fun with it. The game changes all the time, Anakin buff could bring back the Jedi. I like using an almost all Jedi team with the exception of Rey.
  • SS0DEN
    109 posts Member
    Vader is the best in the game in my opinion.
  • Options

    Meta, as in meta theatrical, when a character breaks the fourth wall (looking at you Ferris) implies an outside view of a theatrical or narrative space.

    In gaming it started with the same meaning, an objective overview back into the unplanned systems and patterns resulting from game play.

    Like saying railroads are an underutilized part of the meta in Monopoloy.

    Statistics may or may not be referenced analyzing a game's meta, meaning it can be more of a subjective opinion as to what the meta is or means.

    As it applies to video games, it has since been ret-conned into an acronym that serves the same intent - the unplanned patterns of gameplay across numerous plays.

    You folks are arguing over the same side of the same coin here.

    Connotation vs denotation.

    Wow they must not teach reading comprehension anymore.

    We are not arguing the same side of a coin, if you read carefully he is saying that meta means: with game, cross game or after game.

    Everyone else is saying it's an acronym for Most Effective Team Available, not even close to with game, cross game or after game.

    If you actually read the post, I had put several meanings for META and tried (in vane) to educate him that there can be different meanings, and the one used in this game is an acronym for Most Effective Team Available.

    Was just wondering if you had a coin that had 2 different faces on it?

  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    BEHOLD!!! Nerds arguing over grammar and verbiage!

    Personally, I don't really care if its an acronym or not. I've always seen it used as such, despite it's true origins of use. English is a frankenstein's monster (not frankenstein as he was the doctor) of other languages and words that don't even sound as they are spelled.

    So long as we can communicate and understand, screw semantics :)
  • Options
    Toukai wrote: »
    BEHOLD!!! Nerds arguing over grammar and verbiage!

    Personally, I don't really care if its an acronym or not. I've always seen it used as such, despite it's true origins of use. English is a frankenstein's monster (not frankenstein as he was the doctor) of other languages and words that don't even sound as they are spelled.

    So long as we can communicate and understand, screw semantics :)

    BEHOLD!! Nerds insulting nerds.

  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    BEHOLD!!! Nerds arguing over grammar and verbiage!

    Personally, I don't really care if its an acronym or not. I've always seen it used as such, despite it's true origins of use. English is a frankenstein's monster (not frankenstein as he was the doctor) of other languages and words that don't even sound as they are spelled.

    So long as we can communicate and understand, screw semantics :)

    BEHOLD!! Nerds insulting nerds.

    BEHOLD! I wasn't insulting anyone. It was merely a funny statement (objectively) about how this thread is about "is this a good arena squad" and it has devolved into an argument over the semantics of the word META
  • MayCM
    124 posts Member
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