2 possibly more lev 80 players looking to join guild

13 posts Member
Leaving current guild because they made new requirements on which toons you have to farm and leaders were complete ********. So no thanks if you have same weird rules.
At least 2 level 80( well I'm halfway done with lev 79) players, maybe more, but 2 for sure.
Prefer line app- much better than in game chat
We haven't missed getting our 600 since they started it, usually place or close to place on daily guild activities.
Have been doing tier 5 and 6 raids with no problem
Any questions, ask away.
Let me know if you are willing to take a few of us on and sounds like the right fit for your crew. Looking forward to killing some rancors with you.


  • Options
    We are currently doing t6 raids and getting ever closer to moving up to t7.

    10+ 7* characters

    Contribute 600 guild coins per day.

    Contribute as much as possible to daily activities. (Not expected to spend crystals)

    Join in all raids. (We start raids at 1pm cst)

    If you're interested or have any questions let me know.
  • Options
    Hey ! We would be intersted also
    U have line ?
  • Lar
    13 posts Member
    Line id is larabazaba. You can contact me there also. We do prefer line
  • VetteDream
    16 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I run OhEmGee which is youtuber MobileGamers guild. We do T6 raids at the moment and have a couple openings if interested. Being active is only requirement, simple enough
  • Lar
    13 posts Member
    Thanks for all the replies. We found a home. Super active forum, glad to see it.
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