How about Difficulty Tiers for Galactic War???

I know many people struggled a bit or thought it took too much time to complete, but I enjoyed the challenge of Galactic War before the latest change. I know I can't be alone in thinking it's become a bit too easy. At the same time, I understand, in its current state, it may be perfectly tuned for some folks.

How about 2 or 3 difficulty tiers so that if we want more of a challenge for slightly more rewards, we have that option. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to implement such a change. Most other daily challenges have it. Why not?


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    I used to play another game that eventually implemented something like this. Was twice the rewards as normal version, but considering how tight-fisted CG is where this game is concerned, I don't see that happening here. It would probably only be a marginal increase at best.

    Case in point: the soon to be defunct Profit Mining.

    They don't care about giving us actual tangible legitimate rewards, and they've proven this time and time again.

    It's a great concept for games with devs who actually *give* to their player-base. The people behind this company are still trying to learn how to do that.
    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
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