T8 Raids for Top 200 Guilds - same costs (60k), same rewards, same (200) raid points, but more HP

343 posts Member
edited June 2016
Dear "Development Team",
besides all the frustration about raid rewards (most of us always get the same salvages over and over again - can´t we just get Guild Currency/rank instead of salvages and buy what we really need?) i want to mention the following:

If you take a look at the Leaderboard you can easily see that approximately 150 Guilds are already doing T7 Raids. Another 50-100 might try T7 Raids. Of course i am talking about a minority of ~10k players here, but all Top 100 Guilds probably have the same problems. Our guildies have to compete against each other. We tried different solutions (Registration Phase with 0 dmg,...) - because we want everyone who worked for the Guild, claiming Guild Bank Coins for us, to get a reward. Just an example: we started a Raid yesterday - everyone was limited to 1 attempt only. After 4 hours all participated and we were in Phase 4, only 15% Rancor HP remaining. Of course we overpower Phase 1 with 15 members (a few can solo it already) so we somehow have enough HP in others Phases left and everyone gets 1 battle. Unforunately the last 10-15 members already have to start in Phase 4 = big disadvantage.
As we are an International Guild there will always be member joining "late". We can only rotate times to solve the problem a bit. But all in all we are bored. T7 is too easy. In a strong guild 20-25 people could finish a whole T7 Raid using all their teams. We really love doing Raids, but it is sad we only can have 1 battle. In a few weeks we might finish a T7 Raid too early, and some members might not even have their 1st attempt. The average damage on a P2/P3 attempt is already 400k i would say. Some might do 300k, most of us do 400-500k, one of us already managed 700k in P3 only. All in all 20 members easily finish P2/P3 with 1 attempt.
We have to work a bit more than 2 days for a few minutes of "fun" (and only Teebo P1 teams can have 30+ mins of real fun)?

What i would ask you to think about:
Implement a T8 Raid for all Top 200 Leaderboard Guilds.
Double HP in all Phases (or maybe just in Phase 2+3) - we need something to do. We want some "challenge". We all want to have at least 1 battle in Phase 1-3. And we would love to use more than just 1 team.

I know Qeltar´s Guild and others put a lot of effort in developing guild strategies for Raids to make T7 Raids somehow fair - the problem is: we, the player base, are forced to do it, because we are outgrown of the current T7 Raid. I really like his idea (https://m.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/4psr22/the_squadron_system_an_option_for_higherlevel/), but this means so much organization for an international guild.

The "development team" has to change sth, not us.
TL;DR? ;)
Everyone voting here please keep in mind i am just talking about more HP. We don´t want a benefit (more gear, currency, shards, raid points) - all i am asking for is a choice to start a T8 Raid (also for 60k Guild Bank Coins) for Top Guilds.
Alliance Leader and Leader of DeathStarVentDesigners - Discord App: Kelthuzad#5528

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T8 Raids for Top 200 Guilds - same costs (60k), same rewards, same (200) raid points, but more HP 18 votes

I am in a Top 200 Guild: T8 Raid wanted
VeddFlackboyStefchouRAYRAYHanaSolaKelthuzadGoosyMelkorJohnnyDieselNo1DimesandPenniesVasyrothNeo2551CoconutneckUgWeiChifu 14 votes
I am in a Top 200 Guild: T7 Raid is fine
Harlodpeter 1 vote
Bon_ElDevilizeCzert 3 votes


  • Czert
    205 posts Member
    Sounds interesing.
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    Isnt it a bit biased poll? Only option is for those who are top guilds and what they think. I would suggest making poll asking ALL guilds what tier raids they are regulary doing. This is obvious that top 200 would vote for T8 because they have all farmed too much anyway.
  • Youthv2
    270 posts Member
    ~Y O U T H v2
    Guild: Paradigm of Virtue (PoV)
    Line: GohYouth
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