QGJ Nerf



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    Bigal wrote: »
    @Bimdeman let me see the top players in your server( not Called a shard.)

    Okay. I'm not sure what this proves. He's in all three teams, yes, but he definitely isn't the reason I find this setup hard to beat.

  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member
    Yeah, QGJ is the least worrisome toon on those squads.
  • Vorgen
    254 posts Member
    I thought he was already nerfed. Doesn't the AI qgj always target my Rey foresight with humbling blow? :)
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    Worry not young one, qui gon can be defeated easily.
  • RonTom
    268 posts Member
    Seriously? Complaining about the lousy 20% heal on a random toon? That's one of the worst Omegas in the game! Practically worthless upgrade.

    Q is easy pickings, no need to nerf him.
  • Serpit
    61 posts Member
    Rey is the only toon that worries me in arena. There are counters for her but I don't have those counters yet.
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    Nah. Despite Dooku needing a *cough*nerf*cough* Qui doesn't. I like how the AI knows "Who" to target to give the team +50 off. (looks for a buff'd opponent) ;) why your first move with your tank vs QGJ shouldn't be a taunt, better to just hit him first till his team buff attack is used up THEN SPAM attacks on the s0b >;)
    problem sloved B)
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    Well hes pretty easy to farm and complete f2p... but ye why not nerf the only pvp viable jedi of the game *facepalm* believe me there many other toons which rly needs a nerf or workover...
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    TerraArran wrote: »
    We needs buffs. QGJ is fine. Your just fighting against an overgeared QGJ with your undergeared team.

    Buffing == nerfing

    People just *think* buffing sounds cooler. It's the same freakin thing. You want toons on a level playing field. To get this...you buff weaker to levels comparable to ones at the top or you nerf op ones so they are at the level of the ones you want buffed. If you complain about nerfers...you shouldn't ask for buffing. End result is you want a level playing field.
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    The whole concept of nerf is flawed. It just **** off your core player. EA would be very wise to continue to do what it did with Anakin and buff underutilized toons. It still reduces the gap between different toons, but you make existing owners happy rather than mad. Or buff a whole class of weapon like thermal detonators and make several useless toons more playable all in one fell swoop. Or cause healers to heal 100% health and 50% protection. There are many things they can do to make people happy and thankful rather than mad and resentful.
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    I second the motion to ban all nerf talk from these forums...permanently
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    Qui gon is easily killed though.. He's just a really good toon. In the hands of the AI he's kinda meh.
    Rebel_Scum wrote: »
    Nah. Despite Dooku needing a *cough*nerf*cough* Qui doesn't. I like how the AI knows "Who" to target to give the team +50 off. (looks for a buff'd opponent) ;) why your first move with your tank vs QGJ shouldn't be a taunt, better to just hit him first till his team buff attack is used up THEN SPAM attacks on the s0b >;)
    problem sloved B)
    Dooku has been nerfed so much already in the past 3 months, I've started calling him Count Doodoo, because of his weak basic ability, low health, and the fact that any taunter, Royal guard or storm trooper Han, can make him look like a fool. Dooku is only used for his leader ability as it stands now, but old Ben is much better for arena purposes, because of his survivability and offense down/turn meter reduction.

  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Must be a lucky day...Sikho didn't come to this thread!
  • Dawnofdeadeye
    233 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Qui gon is easily killed though.. He's just a really good toon. In the hands of the AI he's kinda meh.

    Dooku has been nerfed so much already in the past 3 months, I've started calling him Count Doodoo, because of his weak basic ability, low health, and the fact that any taunter, Royal guard or storm trooper Han, can make him look like a fool. Dooku is only used for his leader ability as it stands now, but old Ben is much better for arena purposes, because of his survivability and offense down/turn meter reduction.

    I thought Dooku was Doodoo because he almost always gets 2 attacks. Get it...#2.
  • 9r33d0
    492 posts Member
    Beginning the countdown till calls for Anakin nerf T-minus 5...4...3...
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    9r33d0 wrote: »
    Beginning the countdown till calls for Anakin nerf T-minus 5...4...3...

    Needs nerf baaad!

    Just kidding, he is really good and i like that they did something for him. Hopefully Sam Jackson next!
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    Boar alter haltet einfach mal die Klappe mit euren verdämlichten geheule für Nerfs
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I was dissapointed when he was defeated by D.Maul, in the film, it was too quick. He looked impressive, I like the actor, who played him, and I didn't expect it to happen so easy.. Then I learned about form 4. Lol
  • Czert
    205 posts Member
    Why nerf him ? Klingon have realy low amount of hp and poor defence. If you have troubles kiling him, problem is on your side.
    Btw ray on average do 2-4x more damage thyn him. If you are lucky ray will do up to 6x more.
  • H_B0MBZ
    292 posts Member
    I'd rather see more characters with similar move sets. Or new characters with similar move sets
  • Bigal
    85 posts Member
    Make dispel resitable
  • Bigal
    85 posts Member
    How long do we wait for meta change?
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    Long live the meta
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