Everything we do from the moment we log in is to increase our character roster and power in order to have a powerful arena team. With the current AI intelligence, this is not possible on defense and makes more of the characters we obtain useless in the hands of the Current AI.

One of the only major things left to do is to fix the AI in the game.

Broken buggy toons + a better AI = More money for you! Win win!

Some examples:

QGJ trying to dispel foresight and when dispelling dodge buff( and some others) it does NOT proc offense up as intended. (This bug has been reported over a month now.)

Sun Facuse using spiteful strike with full HP. Not using browbeat to dispel a taunt as first priority.

Let's have Anakin actually use assault first thing in order to buff the team and not wait till match is over without using it.

Let's not have AI attack a 100% hp toon when there is another character in the red zone.

There's more but let's start with having characters actually perform like they are supposed to. Otherwise no real incentive to buy them right?


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