Please send out notices once hopping becomes a ban-able offence

92 posts Member
edited July 2016
I know this post will get either blocked, deleted, or non-hoppers will moan and cry ruining the post. But Dev can you give us a heads up when guild hopping will become a punishable offence? I don't check the forums everyday and I don't want to be banned for a non-exploit.

Let's be real anyone can do this, and it's a great way for mid 60-70 level players to catch up to whales. I have no way of catching up to someone whose doing 2mil in damage when I'm only 1mil but yet they're getting 1-2-3 prizes and I'm only getting top 10. Guild Hopping is a small equalizer, ya feel me.


  • Options
    Non-hopper here who isn't about to moan or cry.

    They can't even put in game announcements for when they're going to send out client updates, I doubt they will do it for something like this. Your best course of action is to stop the guild hopping before they put in the update.

    Also, I'm pretty sure you won't be banned for guild hopping, you just won't get raid rewards for 26-30 hours.
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    Very constructive reply I appreciate it, didn't even think about the client update issue. But I'll be honest with you I'm not going to stop guild hopping. I use to be a purest but seeing the same people earn the best rewards raid after raid changed my ways. Im not complaining about how it's setup but weaker players just have to adapt and change their strategy, which for me is hopping.

    I don't see anything wrong with it, and Dev has said its not wrong... I have the screenshots haha

  • BentWookiee
    4819 posts Member
    We really do not delete threads at will.. :/

    As for the the replies, we do our best to keep them within TOS. IF you have a problem just do an @ME or the other Mods.

    If the policy on this changes I am sure we will be notified, as an above poster has noted a Dev said it was legitimate so any change will be communicated. No one at CG\EA WANTS to ban people. :)

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    Awesome post Bent Wookie thanks for the clarity. Honestly it's a huge risk for the player you only get two jumps in a 24hr period so if you hop into two non raiding guilds you just locked yourself out for a day. I like it!

    Great game people just complain on here to much lol
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