Why revert the difficulty?

6 posts Member
edited July 2016
I don't understand why you guys reverted the difficulty back. I know this is the last node, but I'm down to my a team with no protection. The nodes on the way we're full of g10s lvl 80. I don't have the pics on he other nodes, but I'm going to restart GW and document every nodes I come up against. Please give me your thoughts on this.

Post edited by BentWookiee on


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    This was mine lol

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    It is obviously broken. Keep reading
  • Tally27
    41 posts Member
    I had the same as @RidleyGiggity as my last one lol. So weird but my nose 5 was holy cow... All level 80 full gear or at least gear 9! It was kind of a shock but I did beat it so no complaints.
  • Cryo_G3n
    70 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This was mine lol


    I versed a similar team on my last node. I fought it with a weak team for the next guy. I hope they can beat my level 40 ewoks!

  • RNBull
    6 posts Member
    Maybe I'm just being paranoid. But I never did understand why players want GW to be extremely difficult. If you want difficulty play Arena with non-meta team or something. Still going to restart GW and document every node to see if it's different
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    Bean counters getting **** that too many people are completing GW and not buying credit packs
  • Flave50
    33 posts Member
    I couldn't beat it either for the first time in 4 months. I new something was wrong when I faced a far superior team when I was only on the 6th node.
  • Igor08
    221 posts Member
    Slewfoot wrote: »
    Bean counters getting **** that too many people are completing GW and not buying credit packs

    You could be onto something there. If CG/EA continue to just ignore the problem, you'll know you were right.
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    Misery loves company. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't have enough toons to finish an abnormally hard GW. I went up against upper 60's with my strongest character at 61, most are mid 50's. It was a blood bath.
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member
    It is a pain, I will agree. I am level 77 with my highest actual toon being 75. My last node I am against all 7 star level 80s, gear 9, Dooku lead, Rey-Daka-RG-Phasma. I do not think I will be able to complete that. First they had the GW to hard, then they went to easy, now it seems to be over the top.
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    It's better then it was before for me. Last 2 nodes are all most worth a challenge. All most. Still to easy.
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    My galactic war still hasn't been hard. My arena team is around the 36k area, and I'm still autoing through it. Galactic war still is lame because it's a chore. It still gives out weak rewards, and always takes 20 mins or more. If they could let you fight 3 teams all back to back without switching, that would make it funner and more of a challenge. Imagine facing 3 teams in a row, like regular missions, and then a break, and then you face another 3 galactic war teams.
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member
    My galactic war still hasn't been hard. My arena team is around the 36k area, and I'm still autoing through it. Galactic war still is lame because it's a chore. It still gives out weak rewards, and always takes 20 mins or more. If they could let you fight 3 teams all back to back without switching, that would make it funner and more of a challenge. Imagine facing 3 teams in a row, like regular missions, and then a break, and then you face another 3 galactic war teams.

    You do understand that that is exactly what you are doing now right? You face 12 teams in a row, the breaks are meaningless because you do not regain much health or protection in between. GW would be fine if it was a "challenge". Fighting multiple teams that are so much more powerful, with protection up, is not challenging. Yeah, sometimes you will win and feel good, but most of the time you are going to get destroyed through "attrition".

    Really what this does is put more distance between the whales and the f2p. Whales will have a better chance of finishing GW and therefore get more credits each day.
  • H_B0MBZ
    292 posts Member
    Today my last node was :

    old ben (L) 80 g10
    Chewbacca 80 g11
    Fost or stormtrooper 80 g11
    RG 80 g10
    Aniken 80 g11

    Obviously this team wasn't very good but my A team was dead because I used it up on the node before.

    Luckily I just put ig88 as lead with sthan, rg and Lumi with TR and just dot damaged them haha. I ended up losing but they were left with only Old Ben. From there I just used scrubs to finish him off haha
  • camui78
    77 posts Member
    H_B0MBZ wrote: »
    Today my last node was :

    old ben (L) 80 g10
    Chewbacca 80 g11
    Fost or stormtrooper 80 g11
    RG 80 g10
    Aniken 80 g11

    Obviously this team wasn't very good but my A team was dead because I used it up on the node before.

    Luckily I just put ig88 as lead with sthan, rg and Lumi with TR and just dot damaged them haha. I ended up losing but they were left with only Old Ben. From there I just used scrubs to finish him off haha

    Mr Fabio the squad you faced, since this seems like the one I have gone against the past 2 days...
  • Options
    GW is more difficult for me than even before the first fix.
  • Xenith
    267 posts Member
    GW is more difficult for me than even before the first fix.

    Ohhh yeah Way WAY more harder then ever ...faced a meta team g10+ 80

    Old ben lead 2 tanks rey and leai....
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