Auto battles randomly switching targets? Is this an intentional change?

This has been going on since the update. When I auto a battle in arena and choose a target toons will randomly switch to a new target. What is going on here? Is anyone else seeing this?
Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.


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    I know they worked to fix this bug in the past. But I also know Asajj still changes the target when she uses her dispell AOE.
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    Seriously, is nobody else seeing this? It is making auto on arena almost impossible.
    Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.
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    I see it and it **** me off. Just made a complaint myself
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    It's doing it in GW as well
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    This is infuriating. It makes auto unusable and loses battles. Please fix.
    Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.
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    Certain heroes will change target automatically. Qgj will use his special to debut if an enemy posts a buff. Yoda will break off target to steal buffs with his special. It's actually irritating, but it was designed that way.
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Are you double clicking on your targets? Please note 1 tap will select the target and 2 taps will unselect the target and make the AI choose the targets by themselves.
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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