Using Asajj Ventriss in higher level (arena, galactic war, etc...)

I managed to 7 star Ventriss...and I'm not finding her as useful as she was in lower to mid range. While she was great abilities (as long as you don't use the AI) she is just too slow.
The last arena battle, the every character on the opposing team went 2-3x before she even got a single turn. Needless to say by that time half the team was already wiped out.

Any tips on using her at higher levels? Or drop her from the roster and go for some others. I run a mostly Nightsister team with Ahsoka/Lumi and sometimes throw in Geni Soldier.



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    She's pretty rubbish at higher levels. Low hp and slow as snails.

    Really her only feature of note is the mass dispel.

    And you'll get hammered on defense because as you know, awful AI.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Drop her until / if she is buffed. I have her at 7* and while you may be able to run her, she'll never be as effective as running someone else unles she gets some help.
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    I 7*'d her as quickly as possible very early in my campaign, so she was OP relative to the opponents I was facing at my player level. So up to about level 60 she was very useful and effective. After that she faces opponents of equal or more power and becomes average. I still use her to good affect in GW, Raids, and the Savage Challenge. It can be helpful to use her against taunting opponents.
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    She's not viable in arena, due to turtle speeds and a horrible AI.. Maybe someday they'll fix her. Who knows. Anywhere else besides arena, she's ok
  • Silken
    88 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Your nightsister's with Lumi will still be ok in GW. I use them all the time. Ventress is actually quite good with her stun and self heal.

    Arena useless.
  • Halcyone
    60 posts Member
    I have her at lvl 80, G9, 7* and while she is not arena worthy, I have a found a use for her in GW up until the nodes become meta arena teams. Her slowness comes in handy here because she's almost always hitting with rampage activated and regularly crits for 8 to 10k on her basic. She's also the only toon I currently have that can dispel all enemy toons, and is thus very useful against a maxed yoda or buff heavy comp. my only other dispelled is QGJ. Not amazing, but I don't think she's as terrible as people think she is.
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    I'm thinking about making a nightsister team just for the fun, so I'm farming Asajj and trying to use her. Dispel skill is really useful against tanks with agro or buff teams, but I do not recommend to use her on the main team.
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    Maxed she is only 86 speed. She's have to hit twice as hard as any other toon to be anywhere near
  • Astris
    72 posts Member
    I use her in the first half of GW, and her health steal plus dispel and stun comes in handy there, but yeah, I'd definitely drop her from arena
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    I use her maxed in the arena I get top 2 everyday. I usually dont need to spend crystals to refresh either. It's a shard from December as well. You need to run her in lead and use daka as well to make it worth while. Here is my favourite video of my ventress lead team.
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    Could you call that Arena team a Stun Meta? 3 stunners, and 2 dps, plus RG for protection. Looks good.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    While Rey RG QGJ Daka is pretty standard, and the Ventress is serviceable here, I cant help but think a Phasma or OB/Dooku lead would be overall more effective. All Ventress is doing is giving Daka 28 speed, which isnt nothing but its still a coinflip if she or Rey goes first.
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    A Nightsister team is something you should do more for fun, diversity, your own enjoyment, and non-Arena game modes.

    Unfortunately, Ventress has no place in a team whose goal is to place top in Arena.
  • vilvlugt
    76 posts Member
    I 7*'d her as quickly as possible very early in my campaign, so she was OP relative to the opponents I was facing at my player level. So up to about level 60 she was very useful and effective. After that she faces opponents of equal or more power and becomes average. I still use her to good affect in GW, Raids, and the Savage Challenge. It can be helpful to use her against taunting opponents.

    Do not agree. She's always key to finishing gw. I run lumi(l), daka, jc, rg and asajj since the gw-tweak and won 30 gw in a row. It's all about the right tactic really.
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    I do find her sloth to be useful to do a mass dispel...provided the opposing team is average speed. If they are a lightning (Dooku/Rey/etc...) type of team she literally does not go until the entire team takes a full sequence of turns including popping their buffs, then a second full turn, using their buffs, and then Asajj gets to take her first turn.

    But yes she's still a little useful at times. I'll have to sub her out depending...
  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    She is great in the lead position. with 86 speed and leader speed bonus, she tends to go right after STH, about the time RG first taunts, right after Phasama. Facing RG, STH, Leia teams you can do a 3 for dispel dropping RG, STH taunt and Leia stealth. She also make a super speed Daka, Ties Rey for first move. Yes she sucks on Defense but so do all teams.
    177 posts Member
    She was pretty usable in top 10 before Rey became so widely available. Her dispel plus QJGs was nice utility and aoe was good too. Good to fight taunts but yeah, I had to take her off my Arena shortly after Rey got into the guild store. Ran her on my arena for about 5 months before that
  • Llewella
    400 posts Member
    Fix her AI

    It's **** it's taken this long with the number of threads on the topic.
  • vilvlugt
    76 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    She is great in the lead position. with 86 speed and leader speed bonus, she tends to go right after STH, about the time RG first taunts, right after Phasama. Facing RG, STH, Leia teams you can do a 3 for dispel dropping RG, STH taunt and Leia stealth. She also make a super speed Daka, Ties Rey for first move. Yes she sucks on Defense but so do all teams.

    Is the +15% omega a good investment? Since she does around 9000 dmg now she should top the 10k on crit, right?
  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    vilvlugt wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    She is great in the lead position. with 86 speed and leader speed bonus, she tends to go right after STH, about the time RG first taunts, right after Phasama. Facing RG, STH, Leia teams you can do a 3 for dispel dropping RG, STH taunt and Leia stealth. She also make a super speed Daka, Ties Rey for first move. Yes she sucks on Defense but so do all teams.

    Is the +15% omega a good investment? Since she does around 9000 dmg now she should top the 10k on crit, right?

    I wish mine crit hit for 9k. I have omega on basic and see about 8k with rampage buff. I haven't used her in a while, so I could be mistaken. @6The6Bull6 uses her more and also has her maxed.
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    @scuba @vilvlugt I have seen her crit for over 11k with buffs. The 15% is worth it IMO. I also omegad QGJ humbling blow to give her a longer lasting buff. Unfortunately at gl 10 She becomes faster than STH, unless ackbar lead. I thought it would be a bad thing but it helps her bring more offense. Sometimes she kills STH before he goes which is much better.
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