What kind of damage can I expect to get in T7?

My control team is averaging about 1.6 in P1 T6. Is half that to be expected? The same team can do about 7-8k in P2 and P3...

Just trying to plan.

Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.


  • Gundam_Raizer
    171 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    My guess 100-175k if that.... cause you won't get turn meter control really with that team all that much at all not till you get g10 and scanners. Maybe a little more if your lucky with RNG and retreats. So 250k max.
  • Options
    Unless both Ewoks are gear XI + then yes, 250K maximum
    Ally code 797-111-992
  • TastyPants
    113 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    My guess 100-175k if that.... cause you won't get turn meter control really with that team all that much at all not till you get g10 and scanners.
    Teebo is g10 with a scanner. I guess I need one for QGj as well? Teebo cant get to G11 yet. Waiting on unnamed gear.
    Unless both Ewoks are gear XI + then yes, 250K maximum
    So Elder wont hit tm up without g10?
    Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.
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