28/50 Tier 5 Guild LF a merge

8 posts Member
edited July 2016
Hey so our guild of 28 is looking for another smaller guild to merge with in order to generate more guild coins (obviously). We're pretty disappointed with the games shoddy recruitment options and we think this would be the best bet to find members.

Most members are around level 75; we have a few level 80s and more are getting there by the day. We've been switching between tier 4 and 5 raids but want to make the transition to 5 and 6. Members aren't required to put any money into the game, although we do expect you to contribute at least every other day if you can. We're real lenient with members that have extended absences as long as you give a heads up. Currently we don't use any outside source of communication but we're definitely open to it.

Any members will be given officer positions that you wish; we're lenient with that as well. If this sounds interesting to any guilds out there we'd be happy to make a match :)

My ign: Dil Ally Code: 335-695-885
Post edited by CaptainDil on


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