Do you think master yoda needs to be stronger?

4 posts Member
edited July 2016
He s the strongest Jedi in the series and deserves to be buffed no? Not being average and weaker than like 4-5 Jedi s in the game like aayla or kit fisto or Lumi even anakin now...

Do you think master yoda needs to be stronger? 139 votes

IvoB1987darksideBoro_Smooth1ichotolotTakMasterOneHitElyndriaSmithieHutWill_CocishugeKrixPetrelli81Gungnir75SwordsLFDpapnworsOniRenkaigsethGeofRivDarthCranxDMertoian 96 votes
DhallRonTomSekuDrakeIXSalgado9hnewtonDookiedog68Boba_The_FetterThewhiteonELordRathNaugrinKingOfLosingStarjumperAeroHunterXJDNationalityDieInFireLeandrovvGoosyAlwaysABigerFish 43 votes


  • BWSkynobi
    334 posts Member
    He's not weak he's amazing. He's fast, has foresight and can keep a team alive by giving everyone foresight.
    107 posts Member
    I would like to see Yoda have a little more kick, but he is good when used for his abilities.

    And just in case you haven't seen already with other toons, a character's perceived importance, power, skill, etc. from the movies/shows/comics has VERY little bearing on their performance in this game. Better just get used to that now.
  • Options
    He has loads of utility and is very usable in top arena
  • Polarice
    113 posts Member
    He has loads of utility and is very usable in top arena

    I beg to differ. I have not seen him on any team top 100 on softlaunch shard. On defense, his ai leaves much to be desired.
  • Options
    His 3rd skill needs to be buffed. That's it. Everything else is amazeballs.
  • Options
    Polarice wrote: »
    He has loads of utility and is very usable in top arena

    I beg to differ. I have not seen him on any team top 100 on softlaunch shard. On defense, his ai leaves much to be desired.

    He's a great counter to a lot of characters. People put him on to beat certain characters just like with B2. He's great against all debuffs which is pretty significant
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Any sort of rework on Yoda is wasted time that could be spent reworking someone who really needs it. Yoda may not be top tier but he's still pretty darn good.
  • Options
    Yoda should be the best Jedi! I use him constantly and still he needs an upgrade. How does a first order tie pilot or IG 86 or GS do more damage than the Grand Master Yoda? Silly.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Yoda should be the best Jedi! I use him constantly and still he needs an upgrade. How does a first order tie pilot or IG 86 or GS do more damage than the Grand Master Yoda? Silly.

    Because if the game was balanced to lore it would be boring.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    He is an embarrassment in defense, he needs more damage or to be simply smarter.
  • IvoB1987
    495 posts Member
    His AI should be made smarter and/or his damage only slightly buffed. That's it
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I only say no because I agree with a few others there is a better use of rework time then yoda.

    He's good but I find him way too easy to beat. He's squishy and doesn't hit hard enough. His abilities are perfect. He could use a death move like OB.
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    If you take into account he can mitigate up to 5 hits two times in a pvp battle, give everyone tenacity up for two turns, stun, tm remove, aoe and steal buffs and grant himself foresight and tm on his basic the only thing he is missing is an assist and ability block. He can hit for up to 5k unbuffed on his special. What more do people want?
  • Azgadil
    226 posts Member
    He is absolute beast mode in the Raid (p2-4). Foresight to all and he has TMR on the Rancor. Then consider he is attacking more than any of the other toons so the damage is decent.

    With him and QCJ you can just about get as much damage on P2 as some folks are able to do on P1. No need to nerf this toon.

    He is good in arena too, just that you don't want to leave him on defense because the AI plays him terribly.

    That all said, I get where you are coming from an see an argument to give him a buff. He is not some one you are 'scared' to face in Arena so more than likely it's why you posted. ... But I do think you will enjoy him in raids.
  • Oni
    4 posts Member
    Personally I think he needs either a small damage buff like or a health increase like 3k
  • C3POwn
    507 posts Member
    Especially after all the resources used to get him. The only thing he's good for right now is his foresight in phase 2/3 of heroic raids..
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    He seems pretty strong already, doesn't really have any drawbacks. Other characters need it more...
    If there was to be anything changed about him it would be his third special ability, it's very rare to catch a character under 50% health and not one shot them from that amount of health, his stunning factor is kind of insignificant compared to some other stunners.
  • Vega
    94 posts Member
    Anyone that remembers the Yoda vs Dooku fight (in the movie) knows that Yoda is one sick Jedi. Makes Dooku look like a padwan.
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    I put no, but I believe he shares the ventriss problem...AI plays him horribly (also she is too slow).
  • MasterSpartn
    58 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Yoda is one of the greatest not in strength, but his connection to the force. He basic and 1st special are fine, his 2nd special needs a little tuning, but he's fine as is.
  • Options
    As a grandmaster (the only gm ever) he should be the most powerful toon ever. I think the devs had him right b4 they nerfed him. I still think he needed to be a bit more powerful than he was b4 nerf. Now he is weak and shouldn't be called a grandmaster but grandpa yoda.
  • Oni
    4 posts Member
    Problem is even his leader ability is not that strong and it should be something cooler like the one anakin has or Ima gun di...
  • Oni
    4 posts Member
    Or maybe something like 25% tenacity and 25% offense or 25% counter chance?
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    If he wasted nerfed before then he would of been ok. I liked him more pre nerf, now hardly anyone uses him in the arena
  • ichotolot
    229 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I want one buff for Yoda: That his battlemeditation could remove debuffs like Rex does. Its silly that Jedi dont have anyone who could this reliably while Clones, Ewoks and Rebels do. Would be a better omega upgrade then laughable 5 percent turnmeter.
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