Slow loading

Starting to get very slow load times between battles, with regular timeout and connection messages. Tested my connection, and it is up to the speed it has always been. I can only assume the problem must be at the game server. Anyone else having this problem?


  • bluenqm
    172 posts Member
    Same here!
  • TerryQ67
    13 posts Member
    Guess it's not an issue then
  • Options
    I just recently started having this issue. I'm attempting node 9 of galactic war, but it just gave me a loading circle. Now when I attempt to enter galactic war all I get is the loading circle
  • TerryQ67
    13 posts Member
    Every time I get the message telling me it's my connection at fault, I do a speed check and find there is no problem at all with my connection. It is purely a problem with the game on my iPad
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