Royal guard

The royal guard needs a debuff in health it's unfair how many hits he can take and he never does any bit of damage


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    When your character scale in level and gear he won't be so much of a problem
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    The royal guard needs a debuff in health it's unfair how many hits he can take and he never does any bit of damage

    Then maybe you should get one yourself.
    The damage he does is in lost turns from stun. He protects your hard hitters from being killed so they can do the damage.
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    Debuff in health? He's a low damage dealing tank. You want him to be as squishy as Rey?
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    He's one of the lowest damage dealing characters in the game because of his high health. He's fine.
  • YourFace
    29 posts Member
    Agree. RG is fine as is. He's a perfect example of a character that requires you to think about bigger squad synergies. Not to mention the fact he brings a FAIR balance to fights against high damage characters.
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    I'm confused, do you think he needs buffed or do you think he needs nerfed?
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    I'm confused, do you think he needs buffed or do you think he needs nerfed?

    I think... he wants him to be Rey with a stun LOL
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    Is this a troll post? Because I don't think the OP understands that there are more roles in a team than just attackers.
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    I feel the RG is a bit too strong right now. I'm running into teams with Dooku leading RG/Daka and 2 other heavy hitters.

    Having that giant health bar, potentially needing to kill him multiple times, and having a minimum of 3 characters laying out stun after stun simply isn't fun to play against.

    And yes I'm jealous and lack all 3 at a usable level. It's a work in progress. Maybe I'll get them combat worthy sometime around August or October.
  • Gundam_Raizer
    171 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Why not get characters like QGJ that do dispelling? They are generally they way to go. That's how you beat people that got tanks and stuns. It's easy to whine harder to come up with a solution. Don't look for the easy cop out and waste our time and attempt to ruin a good character for everyone by asking for it to be nerfed cause you don't want to take the time to think. But I have given you some things to use to go towards a solution atleast. Suggest you begin thinking.
  • ctn13
    53 posts Member
    This is a bit silly. He is absolutely fine and probably one of the best designed characters to date. Took the developers a second go to get him right! Yes he is annoying, yes he is good but I am seeing the most diverse meta in ever! About half my top 10 arena teams don't even run him. If you are struggling against him please ask for advice. Plenty of options to beat him. Qgj is the easiest to get but b2, teebo or just going massive damage to squash him fast or trying the lando aoe death squad to bypass him are all viable tactics.
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    The entire point of RG is that he is a beefy tank... he is fine as is. could be worse... he was rather useless before his rework.

    Now if you have problems with enemy RGs, there are plenty of ways to handle him... mace and qgj will nix his auto taunt, if the enemy team has bariss you can exploit her to get his health down a little even if he has armor still, or you could have rey just give him the ol' one-two smack a few times... he is far from overpowered or even unmanagable.
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    My RG is maxed and dies fairly easily and I can take out other RG fairly simple also. If you're having issues with RG you need to work on your dps. He is a tank afterall.
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