My Arena Team

This is my arena team

AA (L) 5* G8, Leia 6* G8 (almost 9), Phasma G7 7*, Daka 6* G8, Rey 4* G8. Should I change anyone out I've hear that it would be better if I switchd out Daka for ST Han, but I'm farming Leia in Arena. I have old Ben at 5* Gear 8 Almost 9 should I throw him in there? I want to know what you think


  • Tolodine
    186 posts Member
    Losing Daka for RG might be better.

    A reason not to use STHan is to increase the chances of Leia being triggered by Akbar's Leadership instead of thinning it out.
  • Options
    Tolodine wrote: »
    Losing Daka for RG might be better.

    A reason not to use STHan is to increase the chances of Leia being triggered by Akbar's Leadership instead of thinning it out.

    Good strategy. That's how I run GW - AA lead with Leia as my only Rebel.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Teams with no taunter are easy targets — unless they have exceptional synergies — and hence will be targetted more often.
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