Ben's unique makes him an anti-tank. Great suggestions to fix this inverted mess! :)

17 posts Member
edited July 2016
Why is Old Ben a tank when his unique makes him the perfect anti-tank.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the definition of a tank in terms of this game are to absorb the blows meant for weaker targets. Well luckily for Old Ben his unique ensures he is the last to fall in every situation, but the raid.
It blows my mind how the A.I. in the arena & GW ALWAYS save him for last. Usually he still has full health and shield while all 4 other squad members have fallen.
His special when it applys does soften the enemy team a bit and his extreme health are nice, but his unique always ensures he is the last to fall

Suggestion : )

So much wasted potential with Old Ben : ( With Force Mind Control, Ben could afflict the entire team with "possession, or "controlled" with a 75% chance to force enemy to target them, but only a 25% chance on other jedi.Ben taunting himself makes him so plain and still an easy target for everyone using Qui Gon jin. A lot less are prepared to deal with a "reverse taunt".
Old Ben's most pointless move as tank for 4 turns is the basic that gives dodge up. how about moving the turn meter reduction from special to a less intense TM reduction on basic maybe 40% chance to remove 30% turn meter? And throw in a 85% chance to inflict tenacity&evasion down and voila an actually viable Old ben!

What do you all think? What need to change/improve

TLDR: If you are looking for a "tank" that guarantees the rest of the squad will be attacked before he is even noticed, then choose Old Ben today!


  • Options
    This troll is lols
  • Luomo
    17 posts Member
    Im sorry but why I am a troll? The only halfway decent thing is his leader ability.
  • KingPin
    522 posts Member
    wont this just serve to make everyone use Ben as lead like dooku before him QGJ before him and Sid before him

    arena is more varied in terms of lead than I've ever seen and that is a good thing imo ... The payoff you take for an overly powerful lead is he hits like a wet lettuce
  • Options
    Old Ben is a top tier toon already, the guy called this thread a troll ones because so many other toons need a buff before him. Also, even if you half old Ben's lead, like it should be, he'd still be a top tier toon.
  • Options
    Old Ben is the result of being afraid to upset players with him already in the roster. So, his skills are intact and he is stronger then ever.

    CG Logic: Why would we complain about him not being killed easily?

    I suspect his previous incarnation was geared, tiered just enough to unlock his "Strike me down" and then he was placed in the tank slot like a ticking bomb, big strike massive buff, return an AOE all dead, next.
  • LRMoser
    139 posts Member
    I believe Old Ben is fine the way he is there are other characters that need attention with adjusting skill set or stats more (Maul, Fett, and Cad come to mind to me first).

    Being a tank means having a high health pool and has nothing to do with having a taunt. In gaming tanks generally fall on the spectrum going from protection tank to disruption tank.

    A protection tank makes enemies focus on them via a taunt and soaks up the damage to allow low health team members be effective. RG is the best example because he taunts when your team members get low and keeps them alive longer.

    A disruption tank hinders what enemy are doing but because of the high health pool not worth taking out initially. This is where old Ben shines. You don't want to kill him because he will buff his allies, but his mind tricks gives an AOE TM reduction, Ability block, and offense down. Him as a leader gives evasion so the entire team dodges attacks and disrupts the combo's other teams are trying to do.

  • scuba
    14208 posts Member
    As he is used in many arena teams as lead I would say he is already "viable."
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    As he is used in many arena teams as lead I would say he is already "viable."

    Hahaha this pretty much!
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    lets be honest, even without his unique you would still leave him for last.
    edit: letting the leader ability end when the leader is defeated, that would be intresting ;)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    lets be honest, even without his unique you would still leave him for last.

    Yep and this is why OP actually has a point, but can't buff Ben, no way!!
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