Raid reward bug/not rewarded

14 posts Member
Hey, my guild was doing a raid last night before updates and I was number one on leaderboard. I woke up this morning to see we had begun a second raid yet I had no rewards in my inbox for our first raid.I rebooted client, still nothing. Now I am seeing all these issues and crystals being awarded. Was tier 5 raid.

I'd like my raid rewards, how can I get these?


  • Draihken
    14 posts Member
    I've restarted client like 10 times now and still no reward. My guild mates in other time zones have told me they received raid rewards for this particular raid that was completed before all the issues occurred.

    Is there no customer support work ticket submission for this kind of stuff?

    I need the credits and guild coin/ raid gear not 350 crystals.

    These are the issues that seriously make players stop playing.
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