Looking for an Active Level 70 Guild? Doing Tier V Raids Whenever Possible, Join Liquid Squids!

9 posts Member
edited July 2016
Join our guild, Liquid Squids!

A little bit about us:

Our guild is a new and active guild that wants to to gather members and do level 70 raids, and when our members grow to higher levels we will slowly start to do greater raids! (Tier VI (Eventually Heroic!)).

Information about our guild;

Leaders and our Levels:

Obito Uchiha 80 , Amaterasu 80, Yung Jem 70.

Current Member Count:

4 (14 pending.)
(Please be patient with Member Count as it will increase!)


United Kingdom GMT+1 (BST)

Pay to Play (P2P) or Free To Play (F2P) ?:

We will accept both Pay To Play and Free To Play players alike!


We are looking to do Tier V raids, we plan to do them whenever possible.

we will give information in advance to when a raid is starting, and may set a schedule to a day we will start raids and a time also, E.G Monday 12pm-BST

(Requirements for Tier V:
5-star characters.
recommended: level 70's with Gear level VII.)

Things we'd like from you:

- We'd like for you to be an active player, hopefully logging in daily, or every other day.

- We'd like for players to try to contribute to helping gather guild coins, but we will not make you spend your crystals on getting energy for us, but we'd really appreciate it.

- We'd like for all of our members to talk to one another with respect and not to be rude to others, both profanity and banter are allowed as long as it is socially acceptable.

-Feel you did bad during a raid? Not a problem, if you didn't do too great at a raid its not your fault, it can happen to us all, we won't judge you for it, hopefully the next raid will go better for you!

-When a raid is on, we'd like for you to contribute to it, as it benefits all of us.

Rules and Punishments (Subject to change):

Rule 1:

-Talk to others with respect, disrespect to others will not be tolerated.

-1st = Warning.
-2nd = Removal from the Guild.

Rule 2:

-Being inactive for 15/20 days (If you have a holiday planned just drop a message in the Guild Chat and you will be Excused).


-15 days = if guild is reaching max capacity and you are inactive for 15 days you may result in removal from the Guild.

-20 days = Removal from the Guild.

How to Join:

-Reply to this post with the following details:

Character Name:
Ally Code:
Player Level:

(A specific timezone isn't a requirement but it is nice to know when the guild will be active.)

-Add a Leader as an Ally, Using our ally codes.

Obito Uchiha (Me) = 552-325-512.

Amaterasu = 517-283-217.

Yung Jem = 285-118-372.

Are we Currently Doing a Raid?:

Yes, We are currently doing a level 50 raid to earn credits and equipment while waiting for recruits!

Do we participate in Equipment Exchanges?:

Yes we do, if we have equipment we aren't saving for a character and you have requested it, we will donate!, hopefully you will be as open to help others in future!

Do you have any questions?:

Reply below with questions, or if their is any information you would like me to also provide.
Post edited by Obito_Uchiha on


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