The difficulty of GW needs to be decresed.

0 posts Member
Before, I had no problems getting through a galactic war but for over a week, pretty sure since the last big update, I can beat a gw only once in a while now. If I can manage to beat node 11, I have no more strong units to beat node 12 so I don't even bother. Not to mention the squads I'm facing at node 11 and/or 12 must have their score at around 40k when my best squad is only over 31k at the moment.

This needs to be dealt with because I've been playing this game since it launched last year and I don't want to have to legitimately rage quit from the game because you keep amping up the difficulty. I would just like to play the game for a little while, get through my dailies, do a raid, beat a gw and not have to get **** off because I can't beat something and contemplate quitting the game completely a little more every time I do get **** at it.

EA, please resolve this issue because I know I'm not the only one who has this problem.
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