Pick my team

Hi guys, I want people to pick my team and make suggestions of a character I should add. My 7* and 6* characters are:
Clone wars chewbacca 7*
Fives 7*
Asajj 7*
Barriss 7*
Tarkin 7*
Lumi 7*
Boba 7*
Jedi counciller 7*
Kylo 7*
Rey 6*

Please pick the team I should use. And make any suggestions on what I need next


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    Depends on what direction you wanna go in. Do you have yoda, focus on him since you're close. You should be leveling up qui gon from the cantina store no matter what, he is one of the best toons in the game. I think you should work on farming anakin, obi wan or Dooku, yoda and qui gon, and you need a really good tank, Royal guard or storm trooper Han. I say either Anakin or Dooku for their leader ability, and solid utility, both are really good toons.
    Anakin's lead gives +30 percent offense to Jedi and clones, and 20 percent crit damage, and half that for all allies. He can turn fives into a monster. He can also make Rey an even scarier monster. Your lumi would be better too. Dooku just gives +15 percent dodge, which is an amazing leader ability. But yeah this is just my advice, sorry if it seems all cluttered lol, I'm kinda tired, at the very least you NEED, to farm a better tank, either Royal guard or Han. One of those two are very essential for high level arena teams.
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