Spend crystals on energy refresh or save for gear in shipments?

33 posts Member
I've been doing the 1 cantina / 2 regular energy refreshes since starting the game and now at level 75, so still a bit of a grind to 80, but man those stun cuffs are an even bigger grind (never mind the raid gear drops). I'm thinking about just doing the cantina refresh and bank that extra 50-100 crystals daily to just buy the stun cuffs in shipments. Does anyone else do this?

Sure it'll slow down my level progression but I've eased off on levelling up my arena team anyway with GW difficulty being how it is and now I'm trying to get a deeper bench for GW and raids.


  • Options
    If you are keen on any particular toon shards in Cantina, or in the store, you might be well advised to spend some gems there now for the 2x drop.
  • MaxRebo
    33 posts Member
    Yep, definitely gonna stick with Cantina, especially with the double drop, just on the fence about farming purple gear vs saving the crystals to buy.
  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    Ive had this question too! Leveling makes it complicated but it def seems like you spend less buying gear than you would on refreshes for the same gear.
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    I'm in a similar situation. The XP from energy is basically useless since I can't afford to train everyone (or even my Arena squad) up to my level. But 1,400 for the stun cuffs is pretty expensive—the 270/300 for needed purple gear is cheaper than the 100-level refreshes required to farm the gear, though. I end up buying those from time to time, but not the 1,400 gear since I never have that many crystals. Being in a guild that does T7 raids helps immensely with the 50 shard and raid gear, though.

    So I still do the Cantina energy and 50/50 refreshes, but I can afford to since I finish top 10 all the time and top 5 about half the time (depending on lockouts). I think the 50/50 does make sense, so long as you get 3 pieces per refresh.
  • Tolodine
    186 posts Member
    Spending crystals on gear is great. But then you won't get any XP, Training Droids, Credits, or Shards that also come with Battles.

    Just do a little looking around at the different battles and do some math :)

    Also, note that different battles have different drop percentages for gear !

  • Options
    Yo, MaxRebo! Are you on the same shard as a bunch of Instinct guys? Jedimaster Ed, Mol Eliza etc? Hit me up on Line if you have it please, my line ID is: parik38
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