Who to focus on from GW shipments??

Ok, I just recently 7*'d IG-86 and Luminara. Thankfully it didn't take too long thanks to GW shipment rewards. Now I'm currently working on building Phasma, but while browsing the store it sorta dawned on me: After Phasma, who's worth building??

I do currently have Dathcha at 5*. I built him in hopes to have him teamed with my JE, but I found RG to be a better fit for that group. I did ponder on building Poggle, but I already have JE so it seems Poggle wouldn't be worth replacing RG with.

So out of the rest of the GW characters available who would you all recommend build?? Or would you recommend buy up Lumi/IG/Phasma pieces and convert them into shards??


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