Starsmasher recruiting: Where life happens and you can still have a guild

11 posts Member
edited July 2016
Are you looking for a casual yet active guild to earn some gears, gain some coins, and get your raid on? Well, Starsmasher may just be what you seek.
We’re a midsize guild looking for like-minded players. We have members ranging from level 50 to 80. Our belief is for all to have fun and enjoy the game so we alternate between lower and higher tier raids allowing the Rancor a fair bite at everyone.
Our requirement:
Be alive, have a life, have fun
Our strategy:
When the pot is full, we raid
Our track record:
6 glorious raids to date!!! (T4, T3, T5, T4, T5, T3)
Our ask:
Stay active. Play when you can, break when you can’t. Most members log in daily, some once every 2-3 days and a few once a week. We get it…It’s a fun game, but a game, not a life mission.
That’s all. If this suits your style, drop a code and we’ll send an ally invite and get you into Starsmasher
Post edited by PansHope on


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    How many of you are there and would u be willing to merge guilds.
  • PansHope
    11 posts Member
    There's 7 of us steadily active and another 3 more who logs in every now and then. Thus the low raid count. We're open to merging and reforming a new guild so everyone's starts afresh. What's your current status?
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    Well if we start a new guild it will have to wait a few days. We are about to start a tier 4 raid this weekend and don't want all those coins wasted. There are 10 of us of which 5 or 6 are active every day and the others log in occasionally. We want to try and form a guild that has about 20 members. Our leader is lvl 80 and the rest are spread between 65 and 73 with one in the low 50s.
  • PansHope
    11 posts Member
    Same boat. We also have a raid going right now. We have a few members at lvl 80 with others at ranging from 40s-70s. We didn't state player level in the original post because we, as a group, don't pay any mind to it. Our thoughts on merger is to expand the group as best we can, have everyone play together for a while and form a new guild once we all agree. This avoids multiple mergers (cost credits) and also allows everyone to use up their guild coins before ending the guild. Hope that makes sense.
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    Hi PansHope. I'm the leader of the guild that Korbin is referring to. We will be starting a level 4 raid tomorrow so we should be good to join up with you all in a few days. It will be nice to have a few more active players.
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    And i dont mind spending my loot to start the new guild either
  • PansHope
    11 posts Member
    Alright, cool. Meanwhile we'll see if more like-minded players wants to join. Good luck on your raid...No rush, it's the weekend.
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    I'm not sure if luche saw ur message about the cap bcuz it was sent on a different thread to me. I will talk to him about it tho ok.
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    Thanks Korbin. Heard back from Luche.
  • J96
    1 posts Member
    Welcome to Starsmasher!
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    Thanks j96
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    Starsmasher continues to recruit new members. If interested or have questions, feel free to post here or PM me.
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    Apologies for the tardiness! I'd like to thank everyone for the recruitment efforts, and welcome all those who choose to join our guild.
  • grandpineapple
    5 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Post edited by grandpineapple on
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    We're still recruiting.
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