Order of Gray is now recruiting new members

13 posts Member
edited May 2017
There is no Dark Side or Light Side, there is only the Force, come join the Order of Gray, add my ally code 154-521-768

We are currently recruiting active players who can handle heroic raids. We have two factions, one on the east coast of US and the other on the west coast, but all are welcome. We have a solid core of Jedi, both F2P and P2P, all at max level that can beat a heroic rancor raid in less then 2 hours, our top guys finish regularly in top 100 of arena. We are looking to add players who can help us take down heroic tank raids and play enough to generate the max on daily guild contributions. We are not one of these overly crazy guild that want you to put this game before anything else in your life, we just ask that you stay active and communicate, if something comes up just let us know so we don't think you just bailed on us. We ask our members to download the line app for communication reasons. We don't care if you ever chat on it but have it so you can see updates. Plus it's a great way to train with your fellow Jedi. You can post suggestions and screenshots to help others in their technique. We are also open to taking on/ merging with a smaller guild of tight knit players.

We are on the cusp of greatness, will you sieze your destiny and rule the galaxy with us, or be left in our wake in our conquest of ultimate power?!?!
Post edited by Lukeskykiller on


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