Suggestion to make GW more enjoyable for all

Make chest rewards based on Player level ! lv40 earn fewer than lv60 than lv80!
so use a multiplier on the reward box depending on player level !

lv40 mulitplier should be like 0.75
lv60 multiplier be 1
lv80 multiplier be 1.25

This should make everybody agree and lv40 players won't feel the difference but they will eager to level up faster to earn more day by day !

Another good thing is the possibility to skip/reroll battles! if the team we are facing is too challenging, give us the possibility to "refresh for another team to fight" like 3 times per GW for free and afterwards 50 cristals per refresh !

If you read this and agree with my idea please spread it ! (numbers are only theorical, dont go blaming the values)
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