T5/t6 rotation vs all t5, what returns the best reward rate?

24 posts Member
edited July 2016
Option 1 :
a guild is doing 3 t5 raids one week, taking a day each raid, followed by one t6 raid the following week, taking 6/7 days each raid

Option 2 :
t5 all the way, doing 1 raid every other day...ish

Cast your votes below. Ur view really counts

T5/t6 rotation vs all t5, what returns the best reward rate? 2 votes

Yes, this is the best way to earn rewards/currency
moranlips 1 vote
No, t5 all the way is the best way to earn rewards/currency
Yoda_was_my_stud3nt 1 vote


  • Options
    Yes, this is the best way to earn rewards/currency
    Doesnt really make a difference as long as you don;t hit the bank cap. My guild used to run T6/T5's so that we would always have a raid up. But seeing as it takes 6-7 days, I would say stick to T5's for now.
  • Options
    No, t5 all the way is the best way to earn rewards/currency
    Thanks for ur feedback
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