What does the new updates mean for us.....

I hardly understand all the gibberish on forums about mods etc etc, I'm terrible at game language, but here's what I conclude:-

We are given limited resources, which is  energies recharging based on time, same like life, we have 24 hours a day, and we exchange our time for money and money for time.

The new addition, MODS(I assume that's what it's called) will require us to use cantina energy, which takes a lot longer to recharge, and a lot more expensive to purchase.

So instead of farming shards, we now have the option to farm items that can further add to customise our squad.

More options would mean 2 things. More possibilities and/or more distraction.

Considering the fact that I have no intentions to purchase any more crystal packs, here's my strategy.

Arena is the most important - free source of crystals which allows us more refreshes which means more resources and options . I'll just have to find a balance between giving me variety of play, and whilst focusing on my arena squad because I know that, ironically, ranking high, will give me crystals to allow more variety of play. Ironically. Chicken and egg....

 Similar to what I wrote in the other article, maximise by minimising!

Arena King,
Josh Mayer
Ranked 1st, daily!

*for more of my articles(mostly deleted) , pls add me on line id: joshmayer to join my arena group....



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    Wow. "Arena King"? :neutral:
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    Wow. "Arena King"? :neutral:

    fishing for some haters... Haha a ! ;p
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    I hardly understand all the gibberish on forums about mods etc etc, I'm terrible at game language, but here's what I conclude:-

    We are given limited resources, which is  energies recharging based on time, same like life, we have 24 hours a day, and we exchange our time for money and money for time.

    The new addition, MODS(I assume that's what it's called) will require us to use cantina energy, which takes a lot longer to recharge, and a lot more expensive to purchase.

    So instead of farming shards, we now have the option to farm items that can further add to customise our squad.

    More options would mean 2 things. More possibilities and/or more distraction.

    Considering the fact that I have no intentions to purchase any more crystal packs, here's my strategy.

    Arena is the most important - free source of crystals which allows us more refreshes which means more resources and options . I'll just have to find a balance between giving me variety of play, and whilst focusing on my arena squad because I know that, ironically, ranking high, will give me crystals to allow more variety of play. Ironically. Chicken and egg....

     Similar to what I wrote in the other article, maximise by minimising!

    Arena King,
    Josh Mayer
    Ranked 1st, daily!

    *for more of my articles(mostly deleted) , pls add me on line id: joshmayer to join my arena group....


    you sir, are a legend in your own lunchtime
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    Lol I stopped reading "articles" of this guy when he was flat out lying in his silly articles.
    And for the love of the force stop with the rank 1st and just post your swgoh.gg page. Its cringe worthy
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    Lol I stopped reading "articles" of this guy when he was flat out lying in his silly articles.
    And for the love of the force stop with the rank 1st and just post your swgoh.gg page. Its cringe worthy

    I would love to, but my player id is, impossible to decipher lol.... IlI0oOIl too many L and I combo.... U can see my videos and pictures in our line group, and I'm sorry my articles did not help you.... But many people have benefited with improving their ranks and gaining free crystals....
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I hardly understand all the gibberish on forums about mods etc etc, I'm terrible at game language, but here's what I conclude:-

    good opener, basically: "i have no clue what i'm talking about but i'm going to help you guys with my article"

    Save water, drink champagne!
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    i dont see a big issue. a lot of people post their arena rank w/out backing it up or a picture. why are so many comments negatively attacking that one line when so many people post the same?

    the content of what he posted was otherwise reasonable. if you disagree w/ his suggested strat, hit him on that.

    I have never read his other articles, but the above does not seem misleading
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    This is hilarious.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    I love this guy.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    Keep on keeping on. Don't let the haters slow you down.
  • Joshmayer5555
    343 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    leef wrote: »
    I hardly understand all the gibberish on forums about mods etc etc, I'm terrible at game language, but here's what I conclude:-

    good opener, basically: "i have no clue what i'm talking about but i'm going to help you guys with my article"

    I hope that particular part of the whole post benefited u, in some way or another :wink:
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    Mullato wrote: »
    Keep on keeping on. Don't let the haters slow you down.

    Thanks @Mullato nice to get some love with all the hate going around these days......
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    Lol I stopped reading "articles" of this guy when he was flat out lying in his silly articles.
    And for the love of the force stop with the rank 1st and just post your swgoh.gg page. Its cringe worthy

    You wanted proof?


    I'll remember to take a video each time, just for you, so u can learn...
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    @Joshmayer5555 Normally I don't react to posts like these, but this is kind of funny. A month ago you were asking noob raid questions here on the forum and I happily answered them for you. You asked me to join your line group so I could give you advice. I respectfully declined, because I'm no expert.
    Now all of a sudden you started with this "Arena King" madness and I cringe everytime I read it. You lied about the scoundrel heist event (advising other people not to farm them. Saying you have none, just to make a point in your "article"). Well it's obvious I'm no fan so I'll just don't click on these posts anymore.

    By the way I didn't ask for proof anywhere. I just said that "ranked 1st daily" is cringeworthy. You, me and thousands of others are the living proof that any **** with opposable thumbs can be number 1 in arena. So get over yourself.
    And this proof of yours isn't proof, nowhere does it display your player id or ign. Hmm maybe a swgoh page would do.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    I love this racoon
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Achilles wrote: »
    I love this racoon

    Much more entertaining.

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    All hail arena King Josh. Kneel before the one true king!

    Beggar: spare change milord.
    Josh: You dare beg your king for coin? Quiet you lowly peasant, before I remove your tongue and feed it to the wolves.
    Stranger: sorry masta King sah, he's just a boy, he didn't mean to disrespect you your royal highness sah.
    *The arena King leaves on his carriage, piloted by unicorns, as the beggar and his father watch on*
    Beggar's father: son how could you disrespect the king like that? Get over here boy, you better show some respek next time.
    Beggar's child: But father, there are so many kings! AHHHH, daddy nooo, not the belt.

    spoiler alert, bird man is the father, Lil Wayne is the beggar. I haven't been to sleep yet and I'm going crazy.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    loving the title of your video; f2p vs p2p. since when are you f2p exactly ? haha
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I have to say that although being 1st daily is good (for some) your team is just a carbon copy of most teams you see..try a bit of variety..break away from the 'typical' team and see how good you are then.
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    leef wrote: »
    loving the title of your video; f2p vs p2p. since when are you f2p exactly ? haha

    November 2015
  • Joshmayer5555
    343 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @leef Bought my last crystal pack on first of July :)

    @ThePixie unfortunately, as a "f2p", I do not have the option of variety. Fortunately for me, back in my "p2p" days, I worked on a pig squad to do the pigs for T5 which I am enjoying very much doing raids now.

    Again, my objective is to share and learn at the same time. There will always be haters... Or troll, but it doesn't really matter to me... It's a game, it's a forum, if anyone benefited from my articles, good, if not, as the saying goes, "when the student is ready, the master will appear!"

    Arena King
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @leef Bought my last crystal pack on first of July :)

    @ThePixie unfortunately, as a "f2p", I do not have the option of variety. Fortunately for me, back in my "p2p" days, I worked on a pig squad to do the pigs for T5 which I am enjoying very much doing raids now.

    Again, my objective is to share and learn at the same time. There will always be haters... Or troll, but it doesn't really matter to me... It's a game, it's a forum, if anyone benefited from my articles, good, if not, as the saying goes, "when the student is ready, the master will appear!"

    Arena King

    LMAO, you haven't bought crystals in 11 days so that makes you FTP? If you spent money on this game you are forever PTP; you, me, everyone that has spent. You certainly are the king of something.
  • Options
    Doga wrote: »
    @leef Bought my last crystal pack on first of July :)

    @ThePixie unfortunately, as a "f2p", I do not have the option of variety. Fortunately for me, back in my "p2p" days, I worked on a pig squad to do the pigs for T5 which I am enjoying very much doing raids now.

    Again, my objective is to share and learn at the same time. There will always be haters... Or troll, but it doesn't really matter to me... It's a game, it's a forum, if anyone benefited from my articles, good, if not, as the saying goes, "when the student is ready, the master will appear!"

    Arena King

    LMAO, you haven't bought crystals in 11 days so that makes you FTP? If you spent money on this game you are forever PTP; you, me, everyone that has spent. You certainly are the king of something.

    Hahaha King of denial? Hahahaha

    Anyway, back to point, I don't see any reason to spend anymore, the article was written with intention to help others who also intend to do so..... In protest of the recent mishaps by the game developer.
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    The raccoon is awesome
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    Doga wrote: »
    @leef Bought my last crystal pack on first of July :)

    @ThePixie unfortunately, as a "f2p", I do not have the option of variety. Fortunately for me, back in my "p2p" days, I worked on a pig squad to do the pigs for T5 which I am enjoying very much doing raids now.

    Again, my objective is to share and learn at the same time. There will always be haters... Or troll, but it doesn't really matter to me... It's a game, it's a forum, if anyone benefited from my articles, good, if not, as the saying goes, "when the student is ready, the master will appear!"

    Arena King

    LMAO, you haven't bought crystals in 11 days so that makes you FTP? If you spent money on this game you are forever PTP; you, me, everyone that has spent. You certainly are the king of something.

    Hahaha King of denial? Hahahaha

    Anyway, back to point, I don't see any reason to spend anymore, the article was written with intention to help others who also intend to do so..... In protest of the recent mishaps by the game developer.

    I think a great number of light to medium spenders did so chasing 1st place. Sure the crystals are nice but it is likely the lure and justification many of us have used to spend.
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    Being top 1 of one server in one of the modes of one game makes you no one, as simple as that.

    But hey, congrats for your ego :)
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    Being top 1 of one server in one of the modes of one game makes you no one, as simple as that.

    But hey, congrats for your ego :)

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    So... from your article.... You need to find a balance between farming mods and farming characters?
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    So... from your article.... You need to find a balance between farming mods and farming characters?

    Yes sir that is what I've been doing..... Being patient haha.
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