What was the point of protection?

If this is where the game was going. Is this company in one of those states where everyone is smoking that wacky weed.

*People got advantage with gear for months.
*Sell said gear for $20 a pop.
*Said gear is now null.


  • jcw895
    80 posts Member
    Yep, even the whales aren't happy with these changes. What were they thinking...
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    Bath salts.
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    Just modded my rey a bit and she crits over 20k on her basic and almost always crits so i'd say mods are a bit op since we already know some toons have much higher multipliers so now we can just add more. :/
  • supachai
    159 posts Member
    Just modded my rey a bit and she crits over 20k on her basic and almost always crits so i'd say mods are a bit op since we already know some toons have much higher multipliers so now we can just add more. :/

    What is the point of protection when Rey can one-shot RG?
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    I can't compete in Arena anymore. Well modded Rey takes out my whole team
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    There are mods giving +92% protection. Come back in one week and you'll see 200k royal guards in the arena
  • SantasWS
    165 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    still Rey and Leia are now even more ridiculous OP than before have they even beta tested it?
    Or is it that the Developers are some nerds and have a bizarre fetish for the girls with the nerd hair styles.

    I can't wait for someone to one-shot a phase 4 tier7 Raid Rancor.
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    Leia will be crazy OP, offense up, crit up, speed up and permastealth. Shoots for 20k each shot while being stealthed behind a 200k royal guard. Good times
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    I was thinking more in the lines of why take the take the time to create protection, if all you are going to do is a huge revamp of all stats for the toons. It was like when they took Poes speed down by 1 and changed his tenacity, to only also redo how speed works in the game making that change null.

    All in all its not a horrible system if it was implemented when the game came out. After 7 months of farming and gearing this is just a slap in the face.
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