Not perfect by design and that's ok.

172 posts Member
edited January 2016
This game is not perfect by design. If it was there would be no one talking on the forums and probably no one playing. Humans like to rant and point out flaws and be the squeaky wheels. Take the AI for instance considering the current chars and abilities. If the AI worked better then players would quickly find the best 5 chars to play with and no one would use any other chars say in arena. You will always have your "WoW Paladin" or over powered chars or imprecise AI mechanics. They do this to address and cater to human desires and feelings. So if all the chars were basically the same power and the AI worked perfectly there would be no reason to play.

Long story short there will always be planned OP or seeming imbalance because that's how they get forum traffic and dollars. So save your rants and post real questions about the game for info to address real game mechanic bugs like the Vader shard exploit.

The devs know which chars are more powerful than others and fear not because there will soon be something to purchase or work towards to seemingly shift the scales the other direction. I assure you however they will never be balanced. I guess that's what makes it fun?


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    Exactly. So much whining on these forums. It is what it is. A little less complaining and the game might be enjoyable for ya
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