Guildchat text not showing while typing

19 posts Member

Since the update this morning, when I go to the guildchat and press on "Enter Text Here" my keyboard pops up, like it should, but when I start typing text it doesn't show the words/letters on the chat line.

The cursor is moving up though, while you put in more text, but no text visible. Also, the OK button is not visible. It's there, because if I type anything, and press OK when done, my text does show up on the chat.

Not being able to see what I'm typing, is a little frustrating :smiley:

Hope there's a fix coming, or someone knows a solution.

More info:
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4
Used both Samsung's standard keyboard and SwiftKey

I also play the game on my phone, which is an LG and there's no problem there after the update.

Hope that's enough info.




  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Hi there Dashea!
    Slight hiccup we're investigating and submitted a bug for, but in the meantime, try scrolling your guildchat up and down. It should restore the chat history for you. :)
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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