Last team in GW. Weak or strong?

14 posts Member
edited July 2016
I always have strong top arena team. Half of my guild have weak

Last team in GW. Weak or strong? 29 votes

Weak low level team in green gear
LordStylingxSkandarGraunxAstrisJekizaJaybigoneZarLathoNickielllSalmakiaJ24airSolarisDarpanoMetxChris 12 votes
Very strong full 7* arena team in 10-11 gear
Robbathehuttcuyler41DARTH_TEDCatarraZemynVinniarthSpencersSocksLevlBWSkynobiCogitoBarnieCoconutneckSerenthorFatalEdge66EroucTMufkatarSchwabbie 17 votes


  • Options
    Very strong full 7* arena team in 10-11 gear
    Insanely strong. My top 10 guys only removed protection from 1 of theirs. STUPID!!!!!
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    Very strong full 7* arena team in 10-11 gear
    **** is a bad word??
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    Weak low level team in green gear
  • Options
    Very strong full 7* arena team in 10-11 gear
    Censorship much?

    The word is the opposite of smart.
  • stumpoman
    442 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I stop at node 11 so I don't know
    The other three didn't upload for some reason
  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    I'm lvl 80, arena power around 30k-31k.
    In this last 1 week, my last GW node is weaker. Before, I met gear 10-11 meta team, now gear 8-10 semi-meta team. I think they made some adjustment stealthily.

    I think fully 5* modded enemy is the problem for top arena participants, not for the average folks.
  • SpencersSocks
    361 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Very strong full 7* arena team in 10-11 gear
    How about I had a g10 and 11 team fully modded with lvl 5 mods.... Yay to fighting an impossible fight against a rg with 86k combined health and protection.... Rey with 44k health.... Gs with 52k health... Qgj with 55k health.... And lastly Phasma with 70k health.... This presents an impossible challenge even without the added damage they all do.... Can we not have a gradual progression? Why am I on day 2 of the update fighting teams with this much strength???
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