GW impossible now for me

Recent changes to GW have made it impossible to get credits now in the game - all the heavy hitters in our guild quit this week. I can't possibly win now with all the enemies at gear lvl 11. I have only a few at 9 gear. I can't stay much longer - we were almost at tier 7 raids and now we are going backwards! Very frustrating. I wish I had never put any real money into his game. It made no difference while they kept netting my team!


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    Also not happy with GW.... Last two day could not complete because last node Desroys most of my A team befor I get one turn. Then they wipe out my complete roster without loosing a single toon. It's ridiculous
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    Oh yea. I just got hit with the impossible teams that you can't break through. Even with entire collection, getting wiped out one by one. Thought I could massage them down one at a time sacrificing my chars. Nope. It's mainly the last 2 nodes.

    I thought they're were making this easier for us the GW. Now its impossible.

    Before the last stage was a joke. All green/grey no protection chars. Read somewhere that it was considered a BUG. I thought it was the improvement to make GW go faster by shortening it with an easy one at the end. Guess not.

    Game Over.
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    It's going to be difficult until they nerf mods which looks like it will be a couple of days for that. If you run into one of the cookie-cutter 80 teams with Rey stacking three sets of level 15 health mods, then good luck, lol.
  • cmjstota
    69 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Been there done that, Rey/QGJ/Anakin/Phasma/RG (all Mk5 health mods at LVL15).....dead before I got a full turn.
  • Ebiteye
    12 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    GW for me also turned to be impossible, at least with what I got.. In last battle I'm getting gear 11 full level 15 mod teams that wipe out my entire roster I have pure gear9 chars, some are modded yeah but not to the point to be able to do the last battle ,, I know they said they wanted GW to be challenging but I think this is a little too far.. I would change the logic for rival selection because I think it's selecting rivals that are way out of the player's league
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    I used my arena team which is decently modded.

    Only ran into one heavily modded team at node 11.
    Lost Dooku, RG, and GS was severely crippled. Luckily node 12 was the easy 3* team.

    I would not have been able to beat a 2nd heavily modded team. Truth is, even low mod suicide squads wouldn't put a dent in one of those teams.

    I'm already preparing myself to not complete GW tomorrow, which would be the first time in over 5 months.
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    Yeah the gw has basically become impossible to finish. I use to do it everyday. Now I am not even close. Yesterday I got to the last node. Today I didn't lose a single person. Got to the tenth node and lost every viable toon I had. I don't mind difficult but I do not care for impossible
  • Pocobor
    69 posts Member
    First time in months I wasn't able to complete it. I sent in 2 Team to try, and take out just one of the theirs. The credit crunch is going to be even worse than before.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    The game is done guys.. already fallen to 466 on Google play chart for free games. They are grabbing for any cash they can before it goes belly up.

    I wanted to login and do my dailies but just can't bring myself to do it.
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    No issues for me. Still have a few nodes with some full T5 mods but just run some of your own and you will be fine.

    Also in regards to raids you only need 1 person. 1 guy in my guild solo'd P1-P3 with 1 team.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    /shrug just completed it again

    No deaths till last but one node and lost Rey.. stupid mistake by me but couldnt be bothered to reset

    Last battle was RG the 2 IGs GS and Poggle... took 2.5 teams to beat it

    F2p a few mods but not many
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    This is the first time in 5 months I won't complete GW. Node 11 is impossible, I was able to kill two of their toons with my A and B team ,but then I couldn't even get so much as a shot off before they destroy my whole team. They had full gear, full mods, (L)Phasma, GS, QJ, Rey, Leia. I have all my guys with mods but nowhere near full. some mods are lvl 4
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    They ruined this game. The GW is not fun, but also makes me nervous. 6. group kill my full geared, full moded A team!!!
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    One of my guild mate said just switch your arena team to someone else, losing some ranks and GW will be beatable again.
  • Ezeziel
    184 posts Member
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    One of my guild mate said just switch your arena team to someone else, losing some ranks and GW will be beatable again.

    And others say that it's your top 5 toons in your roster that affects your GW diffeculty...
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    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    One of my guild mate said just switch your arena team to someone else, losing some ranks and GW will be beatable again.

    This will not work, but go ahead and try.
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    Ezeziel wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    One of my guild mate said just switch your arena team to someone else, losing some ranks and GW will be beatable again.

    And others say that it's your top 5 toons in your roster that affects your GW diffeculty...

    If so, how they decide which 5 are your top 5?
    Character power or something?
  • Options
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    One of my guild mate said just switch your arena team to someone else, losing some ranks and GW will be beatable again.

    This will not work, but go ahead and try.

    How do I know I am at 600 most of the time
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    If it helps, and you are looking for a new guild, Grey Area 51 has room and would be happy to help you and any other guildies you have that need a friendly new home! PM me if interested.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    Recent changes to GW have made it impossible to get credits now in the game - all the heavy hitters in our guild quit this week. I can't possibly win now with all the enemies at gear lvl 11. I have only a few at 9 gear. I can't stay much longer - we were almost at tier 7 raids and now we are going backwards! Very frustrating. I wish I had never put any real money into his game. It made no difference while they kept netting my team!

    A couple of questions:

    Since you put real money in the game why didn't you bother buying raid gear when available? It would solve the problem of being stuck at g9, wouldn't it? Just a thought.

    The same could be asked about mods. I keep getting mods that I'm looking for in mod shipments. While it does seem pricey dropping crystals or credits on mods, if you're willing to pay real money, sometimes it's better to buy the mods with the sought after stats than hitting sim until you get that mod.

    Finally, if you're that close to t7 raids and your guild is splintering anyway, why not go to a guild who is doing t7 raids? Even if you're a bottom feeder you still have better opportunity for raid gear.

    I'm just throwing this stuff out there because there are opportunities to improve your teams that you don't seem to be taking full advantage of. Maybe you have, I don't know. Maybe you've taken a little advantage of these opportunities but you could be doing better.

    Despite what some believe, improving your teams is the only way to beat GW. You're not going to do it with just g9, as you've found out. You're not going to do it with multiple 7* toons (not you per se, but I've seen lots of people say they have tons of 7*'s). Lots of people have 7* toons that are almost worthless at this point. For instance, Sid. Finally, you're not going to do it just throwing mods on any toons with no thought to what will actually help. For instance, all 5 dot health mods on Lando when the goal should be to make him crit more. 1 or 2 dot crit chance mods will do the trick when you want his aoe to go off way more.

    Just a few thoughts. Again, not necessarily you op. It seems as though there are quite a few people who want to just turn the game on and expect to win. Some thought here and there goes a long why. It's not like this stuff is rocket science. Though, there are quite a few of people who go to that extreme as well.
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