What did you guys do to Galactic Wars?

19 posts Member
I enjoy fighting a hard team in the Galactic War. A least the last node should be a challenge.
However, when the challenge is impossible to beat (mathematically impossible I meant) then it is not fun.
I am not a whale, but I do spend 30-40$ per month in this game. I have a decent roster. It has been 2 days since the Mod's debacle and I just found team on the Galactic War that I can not beat. That team has a Rey fully mod (6 stars mods). 46k Protection, 20k HP, 5600 Attack, 192 speed, etc.. She was hitting my characters for 40k each, and I have 21 7stars characters, including 3 with gear X. the rest of the team was equally geared. QGJ, Phasma (leader), GS, and Old DAKA (biggest pain).

I used my full roster trying to kill Daka, and I accomplished my goal! But, I couldn't finish the rest of the team, as they were out of my league.

My question is;

Will I have to face a similar team tomorrow? or the day after tomorrow?

Mods came to hurt this game in a way that may push people away.

Omega ability was a way to make some characters overpower, and you guys allowed only 1 per day. Mods are 40 times more powerful and you allowed unlimited amount of them.


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    galactic war was baring me long time ago and now with new version is impossible to win....
    EA think that we have 24 hours day to play?

    no moro money
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    Reckon I faced that exact same team... ridiculous, couldn't get any of them down with full roster.
  • solo5
    1 posts Member
    I am experiencing the same thing. My best team was wiped out on the last node before I got a single attack. I am ok with a challenge but that is just stupid. And when GW is the only viable way to earn significant coins each day, if it is not fixed this will be a deal breaker for me, I'll go find a different game.
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    Between the Arena and GW, almost everyone has Rey, Old Daka. Rey juiced up on level 6 mods is frustrating, I have a deep roster and so far have managed but I can imagine the annoyance for those that don't.

    I don't mind the mod idea but it's super out of balance: a juiced up level 6 modded Rey destroys my level 1 maxed modded Rey.

    Maybe mods should not be part of the GW or Arena until something is figured out.

    I like playing with different characters but right now the game is making me have the same team as everyone else for a fighting chance, (In GW and Arena) where is the fun in that.
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    Indeed there is a huge issue here. I have been one of the lucky few up till today that has had trouble with GW. Final node got me with a fully modded team. Mine is only partially modded. One gear ten daka. Rest are gear eights or nines. Anyways most of my guildmates are struggling in Gw. Dunno. Hope they stay. Frustration is mounting. Main source of daily credits. Btw. Some struggle at node six. Also. We farm T7 regularly. FISBU.
  • stohelit
    149 posts Member

    Galactic war opponents should be selected more carefully, especially when you reach level 80.
    It seems like player level is the only thing considered when picking the teams you face - and
    especially once you reach 80 there is tremendous variety in team strength.

    The teams you face should be at most similar in power to your characters (and I don't mean just the power statistic). As one game designer put it, there should be the illusion of loseability.
    With care you should be able to win most of the time, otherwise what is the point.
    (Might as well go and do something in real life if you just want to lose.)

    Whether it is mods, omega abilities, etc. Make it reasonable to be able to succeed.
    (PVP provides a place for those who want to sport ultra moded teams, fine for them to dominate there -
    but shouldn't let that preclude people enjoying other parts of the game.)
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    They claim this has been changed due to people complaining that it was "too easy". Uhhhhh that's ridiculous. The ones complaining about it being too easy are the ones that hacked crystals and didn't get caught and can have unlimited whatever making it too easy for them and making us suffer. They listened to the wrong players.

    Also, they claim they've increased the rewards? I haven't noticed it at all. In fact, they need to increase the credits earned since they now have introduced mods which will become more costly to level them.
  • LordxMalice2469
    13 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm getting tired of going up against lvl 79-80 toons..not player lvl but the toons themselves, when I'm only 65. Seems pointless to even attempt. Especially when they are fully modded and maxed ranked. What's the point? They SHOULD triple the credit rewards since they have no intentions of giving us back our stolen credits. Just another way to make us pay....can't do anything without credits. I'm starting to think MAA2 and SWGOH are in cohorts with each other.
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