A galaxy united

Well one good thing to come of all this is that for the first time since I've been here F2P, P2P, Whale, Kracken, all types of Hero in the galaxy are on the same page. A pity it took this horrendous update fix to do it.

Ok so I posted this in the CM thread, but I'm going to expand on i9t with, gasp, possible solutions and how this could have been avoided. These are 4 of the bigger concerns voiced pre "fix"

Concern: This costs Cantina energy that is also the best place to farm characters, not given in bonuses, and the most expensive to refresh. Cantina also holds most the Characters you need to complete Mod Challenges.

Response: No longer a guaranteed drop on mods in battle or challenge. Challenges no longer give 3,4,5 stars based on Tier, but a chance at them, or either 2 lower.

Should have responded
Option 1: Increase speed of energy replenish.
Option 2: Give bonus cantina as is done with regular
Option 3: Make Mods have their own energy set

Possible Fix
See any of the 3 options it is not too late.

Concern: It costs creds to level Mods

Response: Over double the leveling cost on mods, but add 100K to GW, roughly 1/3 the increase amount to level mods

Should have responded
Option 1: We hear you there on the credit crunch. We added 100k to GW and have made leveling fairly reasonable. To help we will remove the cost to remove the equipped mods so you can use them as intended without cost.
Option 2: To help with the credit crunch the credit event will be every other day now.

Possible Fix
Option 1: Revert the leveling cost to where it was AND remove the cost to remove mods
Option2: See Option 2 above.
Option 3: As good faith to your players/customers do both 1 and 2.

Concern: Raid gear was dwarfed/made lesser by Mods

Response: Nerf raid gear. I'm sorry Jesse I play with all maxed characters. You nerfed the gear big time. My Rex, Teebo, Q, Daka, Dooku, Ani, Phasma(to name a few) do not perform anywhere near where they did before this update today.

Should have responded We do understand this is how it seems. Mod impact is very large. After the initial sticker shock you can see it does compliment your gear very well. It is meant to enhance strongly. The % modifiers are off the base stats so gear and leveling is still very important. We will look into ways to balance this out a bit better in the upcoming updates.

Possible Fix
Option 1: Put raid gear back as it was. You broke potency with this fix, made the coveted scanners meh. Revert the raid gear to what it was and make the salvage farmable now.

Concern: Mods are OP

Response: We are looking into and testing adjusting what you are spending resources to get, but won't go into detail or even hint at the plan we have to diminish them.

Should have responded We understand the impact is huge, just as impact on raid gear, purple gear, and Omega abilities was. This is a larger scale impact, but we do have a plan. We understand there are bugs on the impact on power which is impacting GW and we are working on those.

Possible Fix
Option 1: Lock mod battles and challenges as you work on the adjustments.
EXPAND ON THIS: Yes it gives some an advantage who have them. Leave those mods be, time, resources, and money were invested. This stops people from spending those resources to get these powerful mods, then like Potency and raid gear having them dramatically reduced. Aside from rollback this is the fairest option. Yes some people, many, will have SOME stronger mods then are available. Though this was the case with the Greedo issue, the begining of "unobtainable" gear. This will be the case.
DISCLAIMER: No I don't want this because I bought a ton of these and want advantage. I'd see this as a viable option if I only had a few, because it beats the heck out of investing my resources on something that WILL be reduced by an unknown amount. If I wanted an advantage I'd go buy a few vaults and Level the 5* mods I have and Mod my roster. I want a fix that is fair and does not hurt the playerbase.
F2P you guys have it hard. You budget, save, sacrifice for assets. To do this, then have it slashed is bad.
P2P you spend money on assets then have them slashed, thus not what you paid for, this is bad.
This option, while not perfect, offers the best possible solution that is not a full rollback(which I'd be cool with) The spenders will have an advantage with more higher powered mods, but they already do in raid gear, pay only characters, ect, so it is not much different AND saves us all wasted resources.

Now I know not all concerns are here. I left raid ease off because it was an issue before this. I know I've not covered all. I covered what I feel are 4 of the bigger ones, and the ones that were just plain butchered on the "fix" update.

I'll close with I love Star Wars. I love this game. I do not care for how it is being run right now. I think the ideas are great, execution flawed, and fixing of the flawed execution is abysmal. We are here because we are a galaxy united in our love of Star Wars. We are here because this game has such great potential and we want it to succeed. We want it to go on for years to come. We want bigger, better raids. We want ships. We want to rule the galaxy of heroes.

Sorry for the long read you all. Those that read it, thank you.



  • Options
    Great post and suggestions DMS!!! It's great to be back in the saddle and on the warpath, the place we were meant to be!!!!
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