Try to find your Peace

I don't know what is so hard to understand - it is very clear a decision was made to eliminate the old player base and bring in a new one. Everyone upset is because their game play experience effort are all irrelevant. New players after level 50 can mod up and customize their game play to make toons any way they like. That's a completely different game play purpose and experience. We get that greed drove it, we get there should've been a productive medium, but simply put our crystal purchases and endless pursuit of levels and gear are not relevant to current game play. Why people are taking sides on this I don't understand - out with the old in with the new.

Can we live with what we've spent for the entertainment value - I can. I simply won't invest the same small fortune in the current game play - so I'm now a dinosaur


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    I'm just gonna peace out instead
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    I'd find me peace in a roll back to old system.

    I haven't quit yet but I'd be dishonoring Yoda and the battle for the light side if I just ran out without using my brain power to push back on the greed and corruption.

    Anger leads to hate and we are now seeing the beginning of suffering.

    They can mend alot of the hate and calm the anger with a roll back.
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    Find our peace? Bantha poodoo
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