This is reassuring (level cap increase)

[–]Event Designer Capgasp 5 points 3 hours ago
No level increase is currently scheduled afaik. We've got a lot of other things to work on, and a level increase is a LOT of work.

I'm hoping those marked on reddit are actually official workers. I don't use reddit much and only since playing this game and trying to find responses.


  • Options
    Capgasp is legit
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    Capgasp is legit

    Ok thanks.
  • Keyper
    245 posts Member
    He is. That's at least a tiny bit of good news
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    Well since they made us effectively rebuild toons we've worked for months on, and basically invalidated that time and money I should hope there is no cap increase on the horizon.
    Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.
  • Iyaoyas
    120 posts Member
    So they are talking on Reddit and not on the official forums???
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    Iyaoyas wrote: »
    So they are talking on Reddit and not on the official forums???

    some brave engineers are. Mostly responding to bug issues

  • Keyper
    245 posts Member
    Yep. That's normal for them.
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    Iyaoyas wrote: »
    So they are talking on Reddit and not on the official forums???
  • Iyaoyas
    120 posts Member
    Why there and not here as well? We are begging for answers here and they are posting over there? Classic EA I guess.
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    Iyaoyas wrote: »
    Why there and not here as well? We are begging for answers here and they are posting over there? Classic EA I guess.

    From what I've seen, posting as part of mass communication is not actually part of many of theirs job. Those that are post on reddit are seeming to do as we ask and trying to get info on bugs. The post about the increase not happening is an exception in the few I saw. Even Jesse's post was done late at night when he had to be up in 4 hours, so even the community manager seems to have to squeeze in time to communicate with the community.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Its done out of their own free time and considered not official, though they carry weight since they are developers.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    The guys posting on reddit are doing so of their own volition. It's not their job. It's a less hostile environment as well.
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    hhooo wrote: »
    The guys posting on reddit are doing so of their own volition. It's not their job. It's a less hostile environment as well.

    This why when I've seen post there I try to highlight them.

    I have been critical of the lack of communication from EA/CG. I would think if you set up a forum you hire someone specifically to respond the it on a daily basis, as in your job is to sit and comb the forums and respond accordingly. You take your breaks and attend a meeting at the beginning of the day and then a few hours before close and communicate the community's words to the team.

    I'm hoping by showing communications will get a positive response from the community and maybe get more communication. I know the few posts I've seen on reddit has restored some of my faith in this game, not much, but some.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Larfleeze wrote: »
    hhooo wrote: »
    The guys posting on reddit are doing so of their own volition. It's not their job. It's a less hostile environment as well.

    I would think if you set up a forum you hire someone specifically to respond the it on a daily basis, as in your job is to sit and comb the forums and respond accordingly. You take your breaks and attend a meeting at the beginning of the day and then a few hours before close and communicate the community's words to the team.

    Sounds like the job for a community manager right?
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    djvita wrote: »
    Larfleeze wrote: »
    hhooo wrote: »
    The guys posting on reddit are doing so of their own volition. It's not their job. It's a less hostile environment as well.

    I would think if you set up a forum you hire someone specifically to respond the it on a daily basis, as in your job is to sit and comb the forums and respond accordingly. You take your breaks and attend a meeting at the beginning of the day and then a few hours before close and communicate the community's words to the team.

    Sounds like the job for a community manager right?

    It sure does, but I've had bosses that won't let me preform the job I thought I was hired for before so I can't blame Jesse.

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    Ignore whatever I have stated about not blaming Jesse. After this Megatroll he just pulled it's obvious that they don't give a **** about actually updating or communicating with the community
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