It's time to give up, another cancerous stealth nerf

95 posts Member
edited July 2016
These devs never learn. Not only did they exacerbate the pre craft issue by removing 6• mods as raid rewards, the issue is deeper, more cancerous.

"Stay tuned for updates forthcoming" is not communication when an update has already hit!

The fact that it was ANOTHER stealth nerf is unacceptable. They have not learned. They will not learn. This is a pattern of incendiary behavior that keeps spiraling out of control. Even if this is part of a larger "fix" given the current state of the g a me and community it is UNACCEPTABLE not to keep us informed of ANY pending changes. Absolutely poor business decisions over and over.

This quite likely was the final slap in the face for hundreds more players, myself included.

It's really not that **** hard to communicate with you fan/player base. JFC

Edited for new info*


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