Gw. Too many full modded squads.

59 posts Member
I hate it. Spent 2.5 hours in GW tonight because I needed the credits. Spent 30+ minutes on battle six because of a Max modded team. Tank Rey. Tank GS. Max dps QGJ. Struggle through the next few battles where I came across three more max modded teams. Finally made it to the last battle where it's almost the exact same team is the six battle Tank Rey. Tank GS. Max dps QGJ. Where I finally fail and can't complete it. I have about 20 80s and and 15 more toons. And I win 99% of my GW. It's complete garbage you ruined the one part of the game that's completely necessary and tedious enough as it is. Beta test stuff before releasing !!


  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    How modded are your teams?

    I agree completely that the current system is broken because it calculates on power level, and mods don't change power level, but I've completed GW fairly easily every day since the update with a smattering of T5 and mostly T1/2 mods on my teams.

    Fwiw a well modded Lando will make most GW nodes, even tough ones like 6/9/11, trivial in my experience. Being able to give Lando 95% crit rate is really strong.
  • KozeeDJ
    59 posts Member
    I modded about 3 full squads but only a few 5 stars and only 1 level 15. Not anything close to the maxed out full sets of 15s I'm having to face 4 full teams of.. I don't have credits for all that. Horrible business model to try and frustrate people Into spending money. My time is too precious to sit here and try to play a game where the odds are constantly stacked against me only because people are pumping 100s of dollars Into this game
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I didn't hit fully modded team until 11. Old Ben, QGJ, ST Han, RG, and Rey.
    It took 6 full teams to beat.
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