36 hours in the life of Teebo

9 posts Member

Before mods fully geared this nice little Ewok was at 80% potency. We had to work hard to get that last scanner attached to give him enough potency to be effective against the Captain. We then got mods and wow, up to 150% yesterday morning, but by the time of my last raids, he was dropped down to 98% (scanners now worth only 10% potency verses 40%). But this little Ewok was still very effective. But they have just done another update that changed a primary mod (5* lv15) from:

Primary Stat: +47% Potency
Secondary Stats: +4% Health, +375 Health, +4% Tenacity, +3% Defense


Primary Stat: +24% Potency
Secondary Stats: +1.01% Health, +278 Health, +1.91% Tenacity, +1.27% Defense

And the bonus set multipliers dropped dramatically as well +15% down to +5%

Now Teebo has 59.42% Potency - that is lower than before we started the roller-coaster.

It is one thing to adjust mods to be modifications not complete reworks, but when you also change the base and completely disrupt the team formations that is just not fun, it is work to rebuild.

Also, poor Teebo, even with a client update, he is still broken so when he is a leader his ability "Ewok Scramble Tactics" which is supposed to last a fixed 3 turns may last as little as 1 turn. But still takes 6 turns to cooldown.

This is why I decided yesterday to no longer play the game. All I am doing now is poking around and gifting gear to my Guild.

All this without forewarning, meaning those that started raids with a plan to use specific teams are now having to figuring out how to rebuild before they lose the raid.


  • Heina
    110 posts Member
    the dollars paid and farmed from raid for our Nubian scanners are now worthless,
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    I think what you're missing here is the change in scale. Before you had 80% out of a max 400%. This translates to 20% out of 100%. Now you have 59% out of 100. As long as tenacity was affected the same then you're ahead of the game. The numbers just don't look as nice as they used to.

    Myself my scanners teebo was working very well in arena and GW. I saw a bit of a difference in raid, but that seems to have been fixed as well now. I'm hopeful myself, but I think he is ok except for his ability still glitching.
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Funny enough, "Teebo is AMAZING" is why I spent (apparently wasted) piles of resources on him. He's still low level (40's or 50's) but 7 stars in preparation for when I could finally spare the credits to level him up and his gear had progressed higher than where it was.

    I'm sure in a few months (if I'm still playing) people will say "oh, why don't you have X? Everyone has X for Arena/GW/Whatever".

    And crap like this is part of the reason. Yes, games like this get patches to address issues, but as a non-whale, there are only so many characters that can be chased at once to keep up with the meta at a time, and if they make drastic changes, those efforts might end up wasted.

    Oh well. I guess he'll be useful with a couple million credits for... I dunno, some ewok based thing. Whatever.

    What's funnier (in a way) is this isn't even the first time I've been burned on this. Farmed up Sidious during his day, levelled, starred, and geared him up, only to watch him get hit with the nerf stick.

    Such a weird dichotomy. If you follow 'the trend' but aren't quick enough, it's just watching what you worked on get battered down. If you don't follow the trend (like I did by skipping STHan for other characters), you risk getting flattened when they release events that seem to assume everyone just has certain characters.

    No win scenario, ahoy!
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    I don't know if this applies in this situation, but before mods I was able to consistently do 500k+ damage in a tier V raid (once over a million) with Teebo, Fives, Akbar, Lumi, and Chewie or Ventress, depending on what I was trying to do. Today the rancor resisted my status effects EVERY SINGLE TIME! Teebo's turn meter reduction? Zero times. Chewie's? Zero times Fives' speed down? Zero times. Did they increase the difficulty of the raids because of mods and I just don't have enough of them yet? I'm FTP and not competing at the highest level, but today I did 25% of the damage I had been doing. That's demoralizing.
  • Josh_K
    1150 posts Member
    The latest update fixed an issue where the rancor tenacity had not been normalised. It "should" work similarly to pre mods now.
  • Options
    RIP mods ;(
  • Options
    Josh_K wrote: »
    The latest update fixed an issue where the rancor tenacity had not been normalised. It "should" work similarly to pre mods now.

    Thanks for the info. I'll see what happens tomorrow.
  • Heina
    110 posts Member
    the dollars paid and farmed from raid for our Nubian scanners are now worthless,
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    It was fixed. Read. Raid. Relax.
  • shb
    49 posts Member
    Yes raid tenacity was adjusted. Can confirm teebo regularly removed tm in t7 against rancor.
  • Phoenixeon
    1848 posts Member
    I've heard teebo is good for raid, and checked guildmate that doing good in raid. Their teebo has 40% potency, and they said 40% is enough in T5.
    After a week I have a 5 star teebo lv80 omega, gear 7 or 8, potency 40%, I am ready for raid yahooooo.

    No he's not, he sucks, paired with omega lv80 QGJ I did less damage with this guy than my resistance team. Before the mod update.

    Screw the meta, I am going to stick with the team I want to run. Even I suck hard, I dont care.
  • Vallik
    163 posts Member
    i have 57% potncy with my gear 8 teebo and he lands tm down 90% of the time and because of such i can now solo tier 1 (i dont even need to use a dispel)
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