Potency/Tenacity is not fixed in the raid yet!

456 posts Member
edited July 2016
I understand that potency and tenacity have been normalized but before mods teebo gear 10 with a scanner had enough potency to actually help in the raids with turn meter reduction. Now i have 4 potency mods to get a set bonus plus a mod with +24% potency. With mods giving me +50%, but even with all that added i still cant hit a turn meter reduction on the captain. Is it thw scanner that is too low now on potency ( from 40%, down to 10%) or is the captains tenacity still too high.

Its a little rediculous now. Ive spent so much time and effort into building up teebo and actually see rewards come from that, to him being absolutely worthless.

Same with qui gon jinn. Hes around 80% potency right now, gear 11 fully maxed gear, plus a 5 star potency mod for +24%, and now he doesnt hit the TMR hardly ever. Maybe 1 time out of 10. Something is obviously wrong with the math in these potency/tenacity calculations compared to how it was before mods.


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