I have 17 maxed level 7 star characters, another 8 that are maxed gear. The last battle on this war my entire team dies to two characters. Then 14 dies to two characters. A Captisn Phasma fully upgraded to the max is hitting 12k on my guys and slicing them in half. There is no way I can beat the character and it is a waste of time and stupid. I have been playing none stop now for seven months and this update was useless. It's too hard now and not fair how you made the last battle.


  • SasaDF
    28 posts Member
    I agree with this complaint. Now the last nodes in gw are unfair, frustrating, and gives the bad sensation of wasted time. nerf those battles or many many people will leave
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    So far, their only response has been to increase the rewards for completing all twelve nodes, which is no longer possible.
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    I haven't finished a GW since the update whereas I usually had a 95% chance or better before. Tonight I'm stuck on node 9. The last few nights I made it to node 12 with most of my roster injured or dead only to see my untouched Arena team get smoked in a few turns. I would just ignore GW altogether but it's one of the only sources for credits. That and a permanent 50 spot Arena drop have broken the ftp food chain. Hope they fix it soon because I'm starting to lose interest.
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    True... Same here
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    As stated all above GW is horribly broken 800.00 spent on this game at least and right at 15 7* players gear level 9-10 & by the time you get to the final two battles your done
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    They went ahead and made the most tedious and annoying part of the game more tedious and annoying.. Unreal
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    All valid replies and hopefully they fix it because this update made the selecting process of nodes too hard.
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    Well, for the first time since protection came out I have failed to complete GW two days in a the time I get to node 12, I have lost almost all of my level 7 star chars and then get decimated. Node 11 takes at least two of my top teams to complete. These teams are made up of 7 star, gear 8-9. I don't mind a challenge and GW has been that many times, but today I spent at least 3-4 hours trying multiple attempts on nodes 10-11, till I conceded massive losses on them to get to 12.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    We have read your thread and understand your complaints. We will be raising GW difficulty and making all drops a random chance now, as not to guarantee too many people getting ahead by having too many credits.
  • Yadda_123
    187 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Lost on node 12 again tonight. After burning through my top three squads on 11, I was able to put up a real challenge to the Rey RG max mod gear meta team with my remaining four star Ugnaught team... Kinda su cks that I can't make enough credits anymore to do any real progression.
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    Half way into the war now and I just lost four out of five of my best guys only half way in. Why just not make it how it used to be? Revert all the changes and go back to how it used to be. Too many people are angry now.
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    It's impossible now. There is no way to get past the War and the hard battles just are suicide not even fun
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    Are u mind? 78lvl vs 80lvl 9 equipment? What interesting play that games?
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    This has been an ongoing topic for ages, especially after the introduction of level 80 and protection. Now with mods - beating GW is basically impossible.
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    It's a maneuver to frustrate people into spending more money, in the vain hopes that improving gear, mods, and leveling specific toons will result in a winning GW roster. This game has become nothing more than a money grab. Need crystals and credits for far too many things now. This game is broken beyond repair. You're even making me use cantina energy to do mod battles and challenges? And speaking of challenges, I have to spend even more time getting jawas, and then maxing their stars and leveling them before I can DO some of the challenges? Someone earlier said it vulgarly, yet perfectly, F!%k you!!
  • Czert
    205 posts Member
    Jup, after mods were relased any balance in gw was throved out, so you manytimes cant complete it unles you litrary spends tens of milions on mods.
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    I agree with these posts. Fix it.
  • Check_It
    376 posts Member
    Agreed 100%. I already have a job, a wife and college to deal with. I play this game to have a little stress relief and have some fun. Now it's my second job but I'm supposed to pay them
    To be successful.
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    No point in greater rewards if you can't achieve them! Waste of time, if the intention is that we have to pay for the privilege of playing then I'm not going to stay, this game seems to be for the people who can afford to pay out loads to get their characters up to the required level!
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    They said they increased the rewards for Galactic War but I have not seen any increase.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Half way into the war now and I just lost four out of five of my best guys only half way in. Why just not make it how it used to be? Revert all the changes and go back to how it used to be. Too many people are angry now.

    How is that possible? Nodes 1-5 are a cakewalk. I find it hard to believe that node 6 wiped out 4 of your best 5 guys. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Fix GW. The failure to address it in this latest update is a slap in the face to the community.
  • Greeve
    17 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This comment has been removed for violation of Forum Guidelines.
    Post edited by BanthaPanda on
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    Knowing nodes 11-12 are vitually impossible, I'm wasting all kinds of time retreating on earlier battles. I know I need a full 20-30 toons for any chance at 11-12, so I can't lose toons on 6, 9, etc. So it takes 2-3x as long.
  • Leebuddy311
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I have a roster depth of 20 to 30 toons leveled up and it makes no difference. GW is still out of control.
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