When the lead character is eliminated what happens to their abilities?

When the lead character is eliminated are their leadership abilities still applicable to the remainder of the team? for example if Qui-Gon is killed first do the rest of the Jedis still have a speed buff?
-FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
191568986 Ally Code


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    Yes. :)
    Alliance Leader and Leader of DeathStarVentDesigners - Discord App: Kelthuzad#5528

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    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    In GW, if you kill the leader, then get wiped, on the next attempt the original leader skill IS gone.

    I am not sure if one of the remaining toons becomes leader or not, though.
  • RuySid
    38 posts Member
    They go to Heaven (?)
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    They join old ben as ghosts.
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    Unless they were putting that lightsaber where it didn't belong then they'd be going to hell
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    I'm talking about war crimes of course no **** and Gomorrah type stuff
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    Really I can't say **** **** was a city in ancient city **** the city
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    Really I can't say **** **** was a city in ancient city **** the city

    As *** well ***** *** *** **** ****.
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