EA/CG: Give players more credits and we'll give you more dollars

EA, you want players to spend money, I'm going to tell one way that will help you get a lot more of it: increase the amount of credits players get each day in game.

Right now credits are used for every single advancement system in the game: leveling, upgrade stars, gear, mods, skills. The cost to improve a character is significant where as the credits a player can earn daily is lackluster. If players had more credits they'd be able to do all the things listed above.

Now here's where increasing the credit flow helps your bottom line EA (since we know that's all you care about). If players have more credits to level up, star up, mod up, etc. than they're more likely to spend dollars to buy characters, mods, and energy to get more gear and shards. There's no reason to invest in any new characters if we can't even advance the characters we already have.

Now you may be thinking, "Well players will just be credits," but you'd be wrong for a few reasons: 1) the cost of credits for crystals is absurd and 2) players have a long-held stigma about buying in-game money. Let players acquire more credits and you'll be rewarded for it.

TL;DR: EA, give us more credits and we'll give your more dollars.
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